
Don't watch FOX, even if the show looks good. They will always make you angry.

Uh, I want Meredith's job. I spent the day measuring baseboards and digging up receipts, I could have been counting ass shots and timing HBO sex scenes.

Hey! I agree. I didn't even bother checking out the original post because my status as Canadian usually disqualifies me from knowing what's going on. But yeah, Indeed.ca is fantastic.

I'll be waiting for BTGuard to tell me how to configure this.

I think I might be under the impression that Elizabeth Banks can do anything. When I heard this casting rumor I accepted it without a blink. I think it was that one line: "I wipe the floor with that bitch".

I want all that orange plastic to melt down into something. That was the best color.

And we still have to see the DVR numbers, and this is the one time that DVR numbers matter.

I hate when I go into book stores and book series are grouped together but not in the right order. I always want to fix them. I just know some fool is going to buy the wrong one first and get screwed over.

Someone online said that the intro will change based on where the action in the episode happens. So next week it might be slightly different. That would be pretty brilliant. I hope it's true.

My friends waded through the mass of characters pretty easily too. I was very worried. I think they did a great job juggling them.

It starts with a cliche, but so many of these characters start like that. It's the situations they get put into and their reactions that matter. As much as I agree with the general public in the hate for Sansa, by the second book I was dying to see what she would do next. And Arya... without Arya the books would be

I found that scene worked infinitely better than the prologue in the book. By the time I finished the first book I had no memory of those scenes. It's impossible to forget those glowing blue eyes.

I had the opposite question. I kept seeing that kid and I was like, "who's kid is that?" I keep forgetting he exists.

Judging from 300 I don't think she has a no nudity clause... and I don't know if HBO would hire her if she did.

It's hard to dislike Catelyn when we have to look at her face. When you're reading her emotional reactions it's easy to dismiss her and hate what she does. But the actresses face is wonerfully tragic. I may have been converted to a fan of her.

I was amazed at how easily my friends who haven't read the book picked up on everything. The whole time I was watching them out of the corner of my eye in case they were struggling to figure things out. But they got the family relationships easily. And the characters who are extraenious now like Theon, the Hound and

It kinda feels like there is a lack of excitement for Captain America in Canada, eh? I'm having a hard time convincing my friends that he's more than just stars and stripes. I guess it makes sense, but still, I thought we were more objective than that.

I don't think the Pirate sequels could do anything to avoid the backlash. They were fun, and having a story that required more than the minimal attention was great. I'm with you.

I'm only confident in 9 out of 30 and I'm still overwhelmed by the summer season.