
No, she does use them. Mostly just to knock people over, but well, the other applications of her powers would be either fatal or immensely attention grabbing - She can, for example fly, and sometimes does, but doing that in broad daylight would run really counter to any attempt at low-profile time repair.

While the rubbery wall is a horror stable, it is almost certainly also a specific reference to the “Pact” movies, which featured Caity getting haunted by supernatural evil with that sthick.

It means there is almost always a new episode in that timeslot, and crossover in viewership should be very high, since they are both fairly light-in-tone genre shows with very strong female cast presences. I really do not get why people view this as a ploy likely to hurt either of the shows,

Right. Jessica is perfectly justified in having a case-of-the-week format at least sometimes

.. I am trying to imagine a world where “There is a medical procedure that has a 4 percent chance of bringing the recently dead back to life, only with superpowers” is just a back-ground fact of life.

Or, for hilarity, punching her, revealing that the Lena in the office is a hologram. I mean... Lena does have some kind of plan b in place, before confronting Reign, right?

I dont think it was supposed to be a reasonable reaction, I read it as Reign going off because her cover was being blown. Which, yhea, completely.

Its worse than that. The second sentence in the movie mentions energy rationing in France. FRANCE. Which is 80% nuclear power and 20 % hydro. Every scrap of fossil fuel on the planet could mysteriously vanish tommorow, and France would mostly be annoyed at the price spike in bicycles.

Replacing a worn out battery is a pretty cheap thing to do, tough.

The actress put a lot of effort into a very minor role, but yes, she appears to have existed entirely so that the show could avoid having a conversation where Anissa went “As you know, I have been a sexually active lesbian for 3 years”.

Kids dress up as Supergirl in Supergirls own city. The fact that people cos-play her is not evidence either way if they are on her earth or not.

You think you are joking, but the little murder bot with ethics is a story that writes itself. Just have to make sure it has a design that is cute and a voice box by a sexy sounding actor.

Authoritarian governments were all over the place in nineteen thirties europe, yes. But the Nazis were an unique brand of crazy all the same. The dictators of the usual variety did what they always do - kill and arrest political opponents. Line their pockets. Hitler had grand and murderous plans of an entirely

.. Alicia is certainly in extremely impressive shape for this. Also, it is definitely a trailer. This is not saying the movie looks bad, or good. It is saying I cant tell from this little to go on.

Jumanji. Jumanji works. But then it is not a port of a specific game, but instead is riffing on game tropes in general.

This. Where are the people going “Mexico. I really liked the plan where we went to Mexico”. Because both the new brotherhood and the railroad look like they are heading for the same destination, and it is a graveyard.

He does not pay up. Yes, he stiffs his lawyers. This is why none of the top flight firms want to represent him. There are top legal minds who will defend the scum of the earth. There are no top legal minds who will do that for free.

Karolina is sunshine and rainbows, and also cant lie for shit. As a double agent, not credible at all. If Jonah goes “MWhahaha, I put a gps tracker in your bracelet!” then sure, I would buy that reveal. But a knowing double agent? No.

The show has pacing and follow through problems to the extent that I am worried the writers will somehow try to take the confrontation they just set up back so they can keep the setting. I should not be having that concern, because they just blew their cover and did at least tens of millions of dollars worth of

Some of it was very dark humor. Like the way the people turned into giant insect monsters seemed more resigned than anything else. “oh, we are doing this now” came through loud and clear in the body language