Thomas Jørgensen

It's visible from high earth orbit.

Her reaction probably was genuine offense at the implication that her mother was a mass-murdering monster as opposed to just, you know a failure at parenting. Then her mother tries to have her killed, and when probed, confirms that yes, she is a mass-murdering monster. At which point, she's got to much intellectual

Even if it is.. The Dominators have genocidal intentions and spaceships. All the virus does is stop them from deploying ground troops, they can still bomb the planet from orbit just fine

… Are you sure about that, because it would actually explain a lot if Krypton was founded by abducted pre-historical humans.

.. No, the robot transitions your entire brain to silicon while keeping it running. It's not a scan. It's not a freeze-frame, you keep on talking and thinking all the way through as each cell in your brain is *removed* and replaced with a electronic version that does the same thing. When a tenth of your brain has been

.. Actually, how is he even finding the criminals? He isn't even tracking down wanted fugitives or anything, I could perhaps buy that extensive experience as a reporter could be mis-used to be very effective at finding people.
But no, he's just magically appearing at crimes-in-progress. Supergirl can do that by flying

No, him crushing is fine. I just want him to crash and burn approximately as hard as Alex did with Maggie. Or worse. Because they really don't strike me as a healthy match

.. Honestly, no member of Cadmus who wasn't Cyborged to the nines should have stepped into her sightlines until after draining her. They're supposed to fear and hate aliens, right? So have them be paranoid.

You're joking, but if he isn't the prince, the only other secret that makes sense is that he was the prince consort. IE: They were banging.

I came away from that scene really unsure if Lillian was just being sarcastic in a "We tested his powers, shockingly not bulletproof" way or if it specifically is lead.

No, but he leaves the key on the mat. Not under. On. Granted it is ridiculously heavy, but cyborg Hank appears to be at least at Kryptonian levels of raw strength, so not a problem.

-But not s2, S2 LoT is kind of awesome. Most improved show,

… But Lillian is a Xenophobe. Her trusting supergirl further than she could throw her is nuts. I mean, supergirl is trustworthy. But Lillian, as the leader of an organization who's whole stick is "All aliens are evil and must die" really should not trust her regardless.

… No. There was nothing platonic about that lip bite. It's entirely possible Kara will never even catch on, but it's really hard to read Lena as anything but crushing, Heck, maybe they're pulling a misdirect and we'll get Lena x Alex or Kara x Lena and Maggie x Alex

.. Actually that scene made me suspect the luthors adopted her because she built an autogyro to escape the orphanage at age 7 and didn't die.

Uh. That actually seems plausible. A tradition of making your illegitimate off-spring retainers fits pretty well with planet hedonia. Alternatively, the prince was banging his bodyguard, and the entire scene was lifted from a bodice ripper.

.. Honestly, I figure Kara is simply in the phonebook.
As for the other question: You say that like it's mutually exclusive. I figure she knows and has the hots for her.

You've just rediscovered Moravec Uploading. Google it. Short version, sure you can do that.

Economically, the after life probably generates enormous amounts of IP to the open source part of the economy. Coders will not stop writing code because they're suddenly virtual, writers will keep writing, ect. Not to anyone's schedule, but overall, you can view the servers as a system that eats electricity and spits

Moravec says otherwise. .. The classic upload argument is a ship of Theseus. Your brain is made up of a very large number of neurons. Each neuron is actually very simple, and can be emulated very easily (it's a handful of logic gates. ) So, the argument goes, we crack open your skull in a sterile environment which a