
it could be that the brain cancels the high frequencies of “yanny” similar to when the muscles in your ears tense up and you kinda deafen the sound and only slow frequencies can be heard so it sound like “laurel”. kinda what happens when theres too much noise an you yawn and you cant hear certain noises.

I dont get why all you complain about the movie if its not even out yet. the spirits within was a movie with great graphics (i guess to good and realistic for the taste of people) for the time but it didnt have a good story or concept to back it up, and the thriller dance was just ridiculous. Advent Children was

The fun thing is the amount of writers that actually use that kind of “writing” or telling in games. “hey, theres a door”, the character saying “its locked” when the player already notices (now they use text only), “there should be a door around here”(in a room full of doors), etc.