
Did I miss the part where she made that argument? I think she was discussing “with women” the problem of how society encourages us to buy into the nonsense of No doesn’t mean no it means maybe.

You have a valid argument in some sense but the name calling is uncalled for. You don’t know her and it is unfair for you to be so judgemental. No one has managed to solve the Rape and Consent issue to date and standing on the sidelines and hurling judgement at people is not likely to be a winning strategy. Yes, she

Thank you Donegal well put

Crawl back into your MRA MGTOW basement already.

Jesus fucking Christ Manwich, you actually showed up here to MANSPLAIN to women about sex and consent. You are exactly what is wrong with men, you are too stupid to listen to the discussion and completely full of yourself and your own opinions to be taken seriously. You will never understand what it is to be pressured