
You forgot Ikaruga. The lack of Smash Bros. is egregious.


Feel free to watch each commercial twice then to make up for my “stealing”.

Avoiding ads != pirating content, thats an extreme oversimplification. You wouldn’t give up the fast-forward button on your DVR, would you?

Same. Plus it has a better price: $0/month.

I call this service “NoScript” and “Adblock”.

Someone touches a boob, and suddenly everyone’s sweating like Patrick Ewing at the foul line.

I’m lactose-intolerant. Imagine my fears.

He is, the basement dwellers are not the majority.

Here’s some advice - If making sure the female characters in a game can wear skimpy clothing while you play is super important to you, you’re probably a gross person. Stop being gross.

On a side note, why is everything remotely porny in Japan so fucking wet? You ever see hentai? Everything is fucking drenched in sweat for no reason (no, it’s not jizz or vaginade). Someone touches a boob, and suddenly everyone’s sweating like Patrick Ewing at the foul line.

The scantily clad stuff is in the games in Japan because it makes them sell. The scantily clad stuff is removed for North America because it makes it not sell. It’s an economic decision, not a art/ethics decision; so it is not censorship, it’s just business.

People need to learn what censorship is. This is not censorship. Seriously, the “gamer” crowd is really fucking stupid sometimes. A bunch of petulant children.

I mean, it’s definitely censorship. These costumes were clearly integral to the narrative arc and thematic undercurrents of the game. Removing them compromises their artistic statement and the message contained within them. How am I even supposed to get scared now?

Calm your jets. I said nothing in regards to Melee being the better game, nor anything about Zero’s massive streak in Smash 4 (and don’t be pedantic, it’s the 4th title in the series). All anyone is asking when these stories come up is for the correct title of the game to be used, especially where it’s not the only

*Best Smash 4 Player.

I never said it was THE solution.

Was that a spreadsheet joke? :D

Here in Canada, it’s spelt correctly. :)