
“Technically those games are building off older games,” I say. “Smash is based on Smash Wii U...with lots of stuff added to it.”

If you think this is bad you should see the Rapid Transit hub they built to get people from near downtown to the new stadium, it’s cost over a half billion and it literally only goes to from one point to the stadium.....

But chess and go are not sports either

Dude, they all play in LA. Nobody is going to see their “home team” in the OWL. If they were being accurate, each team’s hometown would be Internet.

His face looks so guilty. Look at that douchey plagiarism face

Super metroid is still the best metroid Vania of all time, imo. And I came into the genre late. I think my first metroidvania was metroid fusion on 3ds. 

So what you’re saying is taking a group of individuals traditionally known for being socially awkward misogynists who have spent years competing in an environment where they had complete anonymity and could say whatever to whomever they please with little to no repercussions, and turning into celebrities overnight

A YouTube video with nearly 900,000 views titled “Why Anthem Should Scare You | Has EA Destroyed Bioware?” just miiiight be the type of thing that the second-to-last paragraph of this article is talking about.

Don’t kid a kidder. People who use it for homebrew reasons: 1%. People who use it for piracy: 99%.

Don’t let Fahey see your choice of keyboard, though.

Or rather, DO show him and then convince him to loan you one of his many, many mechanical ones from what I can only assume is his pink-colored underground doom bunker full of them.

7. Hoard it forever because you are emotionally attached to it.

Because that sort of thing should be opt in. Getting advertised to out of the blue on an interface that is weird to manage as is (tv and video tab) feels like their priorities are not in order from a UX perspective.

I’m honestly surprised he didn’t find a way to advertise his book in this post.

The music is straight fire

The music in this one is actually quite good

I mean this is coming from a guy who apparently didn’t bother to read tutorials or attempt to learn the combat system.

Until e-sports drops the ridiculous gamer handle identifiers and acknowledges players by their actual birth names only, it’ll never be taken seriously.

Any time an argument about something subjective like “best video game” is closed with “simple as that,” I can’t take the argument seriously.