
Now this is ethics in journalism

Ooh Conquest! gameplay-wise, Conquest is near the top of my FE rankings.

If Pewdiepie somehow replaces the WSJ, I’ll drive my flying car over the peaceful Middle East

As a long-time FE fan, I’m just glad people are getting exposed to the earlier entries in the series.

Oracle of Ages/ Oracle of Seasons are different fucking games.

It’s a slow burn for me, and I’m waiting for my sweet Telius cast to spend more orbs and feathers on.

Yeah I was at HMV a few days ago, it’ll be a gradual increase, if you remember when Target ditched us, it started at 10% then flew all the way up to 70-90% off. so hold out a bit longer, I guarantee the sales will get better

They can’t compete anymore. Prime and bestBuy offer day 1 discounts, it’s come to a point where EB Games has almost no competitive advantage. They have to look for revenue through merchandise and other goods.

Would you guys ever switch to a shitty slideshow format? I hate those

Patriots or Falcons?

Telius games votes were split. I voted Jill but I picked PoR Jill so it doesn’t count towards RD Jill.

oh and multiple instances of a character across games count as separate entries! So Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn character votes are split, same with Shadow Dragon and New Mystery.

What? Ike is way cooler than Chrom and Lyn is way better than bland, boring Lucina.

I was so ready to dismiss Tokyo Mirage Sessions, but it’s hella fun. One of my fav games of the past year

nocturne > persona 4

Pocket Card Jockey is my GOTY, my touch screen corner (top right) where you rub it has been roughed up

Nice. So this will be the new God Of War while the *new* God Of War will try to reinvent itself with Father/Son bonding

I’ve been fishing for a while looking for a Feebas, how long did it take you?

wow, how E T H I C A L of you to disclose that!

not inspiring confidence by a long shot