No, fuck Tom Brady. But fuck his football self. Don’t go after people personally like this.
No, fuck Tom Brady. But fuck his football self. Don’t go after people personally like this.
Or you know, he didn’t think the media was plunge to such stupendous depths of stupidity as to take his presidential “endorsement” seriously.
I don’t like giving the defense so many ways to win the game. Sack him, pick it off, force a runner into the middle of the field.
Do peeps go rancid? I was under the impression they exist in unaltered peep form for millions of years. Man I love peeps.
that’s the thing, dude. I don’t have any MOMENTS. I look back on 1-4 and and i’m still like “shit, remember when I did that and that, and that and how freakin’ baddass it was”
“On second thought, play something through 7 times and get a character back after she’s left” is EXACTLY what I’d expect at this point. MGS5 went totally off the rails during development, and the end product is baffling.
how about like, if you want to dress up as a black celebrity, you need to pull it off without blackface. If you can’t do a convincing (insert black person here) without blackface, than you know what, you need to do a better job with your costume.
Candy corn like Cadbury Eggs. I can appreciate in small doses, during one holiday and that’s it. After that small dose, if I look at it again, I’ll damn near puke.
Tried some. Sorta kinda tasted smoother but could have been all in my mind. I wasn’t gonna like, read about ridiculous gourmet poop coffee from rodents and then NOT try some. Totally worth it.
you misspelled “every sportsfan in America”
ROTJ is not as good as Hope or Empire. But that’s a very tough rubric.
i had one of these. I was like “ugh, what’s with this fucking light shining in my eyes?”
i had one of these. I was like “ugh, what’s with this fucking light shining in my eyes?”
Why would you take pride in/brag about being unable set up/use/get joy from a wildly popular piece of consumer electronics equipment?
Why wouldn’t the NFL just push legal game wagering and just take the stakes/advertising dollars from those companies?
No, sorry, this shit is funny. I’m not gonna not laugh at funny shit. Matt Barnes driving 95 miles to fight Derek Fisher is hilarious.
“How do we really make this go VIRAL?!” - old guy at Gillette/Adequate Man brainstorm.