Dollar, Dollar Bill

In the scientific community “correcting” implies calculating your statistics with the factor taken into account. What he is trying to say here is that if you look at the white population in Louisiana it has a similar mortality rate as other white populations, and if you look at the black population in Louisiana it has

This kid couldn’t have legally purchased these weapons before Abbott changed the gun laws in Texas, so He is entirely to blame for this shooting. 

I adminned a large fb group for a few years and one time a member in Australia made a couple posts indicating they were imminently going to kill themselves and we went through the normal fb channels as fast as possible but I wanted to do as much as I could so I tried to contact authorities in Australia, and it was a

Every time a mass shooting like this happens in the U.S. people fill up the pockets of firearm makers by buying even more guns (for supposedly protecting themselves and their family), which make shares of firearm manufacturers skyrocket on the stock exchange as well. This happens after every f-ing massacre like this.

My god, enough already. Forget Ray J. I’d like to know if either one of them knows where Ukraine is.

she does it over the instrumental to “First Class” the rapper’s hit song. “Glamourous” Fergie’s hit song

Having politicians hold a press conference after the shooting DEFINATELY isn’t politicizing it.

God FORBID somebody politicizes guns. It’s not like Republicans ever campaign on the largely made-up idea that Democrats want to repeal the 2nd Amendment and take your guns away. It’s not like they need to be holding, if not firing, the biggest gun they can find in every fucking campaign ad.

There have been 9 mass shootings in the 5 days between May 19th and 24th with 29 deaths. This month the US is averaging more than one mass shooting a day; some days have 4 or 5 different incidents. Those are just numbers though, there’s plenty of time for Republicans to “assess what needs to be done” and come up with

Having LGBTQ characters where their sexuality isn’t treated a huge deal that dominates a story is itself progress.  And I do think it’s helpful when it comes to empowering people. The audience for Queer As Folk probably doesn’t need any convincing about the equality and humanity of gay people, but Marvel shows appeal

And this is why I drive around with a “Beto for Texas” sticker on my car in Dallas and routinely get the bird from my “neighbors.” My southern politeness hates incivility, but damn, he is right and I am glad he has the guts to speak out to the horrible humans sitting on that stage. My fellow Texans just chose that

It is the exact moment another shooting occurs, at which point the timer resets.

They say this every time, yet they never seem to be able to find the time. When is the time? Let us know and we’ll mark it on the calendar. Otherwise, just say never and we’ll plan accordingly.

These are the motherfuckers responsible for this...

I’m sorry to say this, but Beto is wrong in this case.

They didn’t choose to do “nothing”. THEY KEEP CHOSING TO ACTIVELY MAKE IT WORSE.

I’ve never been in the camp that an actor needs to fully resemble real-life people they’re portraying (it’s led to some terrible fat suit prosthetics in recent years) but some are so iconic that it’s distracting if they don’t. Elvis falls into that category.

How about we have a live broadcast with Geraldo Rivera spending two hours talking about the history of the crate, speculating about what might be in the crate and how exactly the crate is going to be opened, and then the last five minutes standing in front of an empty crate apologizing for wasting everyone’s time.

you should watch the clip before you comment!

He is going to be forever known as the lawyer who had a drug problem and killed himself thus ruining the name HHM.  Now that is just cruel.

They might make it look like a suicide, which people would probably believe based on his last few weeks. *sniff* This is me best-case-scenario-ing this thing.