Dollar, Dollar Bill

The point was not and should not ever be whether or not anyone’s jokes were funny. That non-point shouldn’t even be part of the conversation. The point is grown adults should not hit each other to air their grievances. Not on television, not off television, not fucking anywhere. Children often hit each other because

They’re valued at nearly $600 billion. This is like fining me 50 cents (a mere middle class earner) for jaywalking.. I wouldn’t care, I’d pay the 50 cents and never give it a second thought and proceed to keep jaywalking because I don’t care about paying 50 cents for my crime if it means I can save time jaywalking.

Lord Franklin of the Terror.

I know this was an Al episode and thus focused on his trip, but man, I really want to see what Darius tripping on “Nepalese space cake” is like.

Spontaneity doesn't mean new. It just means in the moment. On one hand I understand, on the other is her leg.

I guess his point is that it’s hard to make it look like you’re having sex passionately and spontaneously if your actions have to be precisely determined beforehand - particularly I guess for an actor who probably hasn’t been in a lot of choreographed fight scenes (probably the only place where that level of precision

It’s really crazy how, the older I get, the more I realize that there is a HUGE percentage of people who absolutely should not, under any circumstances, consume drugs or alcohol. 

That’s all junk science. It’s cop-drama bullshit, and literally performs worse than randomly at detecting deception or motive.

You are assuming her allegations are true. One of the biggest issues so far in the trial, from what I can see, is how hard it has been for her to get even a single person to collaborate her allegations. In fact, her allegations are getting more wild, which makes very little sense as someone whom was in an abusive

There’s no such thing as “good guys” and “bad guys”. A society with open season on “bad guys” would devolve into everyone punching everyone in about 5 minutes flat. Some people might deserve to get punched more than others, but everybody on the planet deserves to get punched according to somebody else. Nobody is pure,

You need professional help.

Two things can be true:

When you grow up, maybe you’ll realize that two things can be true at the same time.

Shut the fuck up assclown

Hey, both things can be true: it sucks that Chapelle got attacked, and Chapelle also sucks.

Daily Beast says immediately after the attack, Chappelle made a joke of his own, reportedly saying the assailant was a “trans man”

Easy. HIPPA stops most medical workers from sharing their patients data (nurses, doctors, admin).

If only there were several points in the last 49 years where the Dems controlled the WH, Senate and House and could have codified Roe.

Not just that but a member of the establishment of the very country the US broke free from for  supposed reasons of restrictions of their civil rights.

So Alito is getting his support from a dude at a time when we weren’t even a country yet. We’re so far gone I can’t even.