Dollar, Dollar Bill

There’s something to be said about the fact that Ed Bastian is WELL known in the airline industry for being an absolute asshole, as well as the fact (mentioned in this post) that he and the other execs could just as easily have spoken up publicly BEFORE the bill was passed, before Kemp signed the bill into law. It all

Alright.  Statements have been made.  Now to see if actions follow up statements.  There’s finger-wagging and saying “bad non-representative government” and then there’s packing up the economic toys and moving as a reaction to the assault on democracy remaining unaddressed.

The remark about breaking up big tech was dumb, but he does have a point re: taxes - Amazon is following the law re: taxes. If anyone is upset about the tax rate, the folks most responsible for it are lawmakers. Same with the minimum wage - if $15 isn’t enough, then it’s on lawmakers to raise it.

e.g. deliberately getting severely dehydrated so that his muscles would pop more for a shirtless scene in The Witcher

Nah, I have a Strahan level front tooth gap. It’s the only place food doesn’t get stuck.

Everyone should just keep their hands to themselves unless invited.

I don’t care if you are Amy Adams.

The Free Britney movement is a conspiracy theory, full stop. There’s probably something very wrong with her conservatorship. The media was awful to her during her peak years of fame and she deserves an apology, particularly when it comes to the coverage of her mental health. It contains a kernel of truth. But the way

I know that it’s easy to say he’s good looking, he gets paid quite well to be impossibly muscular, and what straight man wouldn’t enjoy that kind of attention from women, so what does he have to complain about. But I’ve read multiple interviews with him where his feelings about his body and the unhealthy things he

and then they do this:

No. Just no. Potatoes should be sliced into fries and then submerged for 2-4 hours to leech some of the natural starch out. Punch and fry french fries are gummy and unpleasant from all the starch. Freezing them also improves them, as the ice crystals break the starch up. In-N-Out is doing fries wrong. 

You really think the general public cares about what Armie Hammer did?

may include sex trafficking charges because he paid for her to travel with him across state lines

Unless a miracle happens, this movie is fucked. Hammer is toxic, and this will only get worse with time, and a noted, reshoots would be damn near impossible because Hammer’s character is a central one, who interacts with all the others. Unlike All the Money in the World, where they only had to bring back two

So, food scientists have figure out how to make the perfect french fry, but you would prefer to eat garbage fries just because you don’t want “chemicals” on them? I remember a friend bashing Costco rotisserie chickens because they are injected with potato starch to make them plump and juicy. My reply to her was, “Have

Good no-call on a broken play and desperation shot.

They must be salted (ideally right when they come out of the fryer)

Testify Danny.

Two things:

Every week, we get novel-length summaries of Shameless, SNL, and TWD that inevitably conclude that the shows aren’t worth watching and haven’t been for years. It’s really too bad that there’s been nothing else on TV over the past decade that would have better merited that level of attention!

Honest question, since a lot of shows aren’t being reviewed anymore due to lack of resources , and Rob Bricken’s IO9 review listed for this every week as well ....why do you guys still waste a review on the show , when you could cover something else instead?