Dollar, Dollar Bill

A mentor once told me that there was a feeling that sometimes settles in on long projects, where you get convinced that as soon as you complete them you’re gonna die. And since you don’t want to die, you put that shit off. I thought he was just being colorful until years later I had a longterm boondoggle of a project,

Poor whites. So oppressed in America! Not allowed to speak their mind. Which is why Sharon Osborne’s gig on The Talk only lasted 11 interminable seasons of her spewing whatever filth floated through her head.

You know those memes from last year that said 2020 and then two juxtaposed images labeled expectations and reality.

Stupid is as stupid does.


His name is “Chester”.

We were all stuck in our houses for a year. He is over 70.  How. Is. He. Not. Done.  

GRRM deserves a lot more blame for the last few seasons than he’s been getting. He signed the deal with Benioff and Weiss and HBO with the understanding the books would be done and they were not. It was then up to Benioff & Weiss to do the hard lifting for the whole entire series, something they were clearly not up to

It’ll be finished, a year after his death.

Which isn’t a dig on Martin—he didn’t write the last season, after all, as he was reportedly too busy not writing The Fucking Winds Of Fucking Winter to have much to do with the series at that point

Conversely, once you find out something’s wrong, you can’t legally not disclose it.

I had forgotten this inane copy of “The View” was still on the air, how about just cancelling “The Talk” altogether?

Her mistake was being a vile shitty person.

He contains multitudes ... of shittiness.

Everyone is saying Morgan hates Markle because he’s racist. Really he hates her because he's an angry misogynist who is bitter that she chose hanging out with a handsome prince over his soggy ass.

104 is just a jawdropping age for anyone, nevermind as accomplished an author as Ms. Cleary. In 1916 when she was born, the first transatlantic telephone call was still a decade away, as was the first “talking” movie, as was “Steamboat Willie”.  WRGB, the first broadcast TV station in the USA, commenced operations

104 is a hell of a run. She was still apparently still cranking out books at 83, and that was 22 years ago. Her first book was published the same year as Asimov’s and The Lion The Witch and Wardrobe, which feel like they came from two or three literary eras ago. RIP.