Dollar, Dollar Bill

This is basically the best vs. greatest distinction that is unintentionally debated on a seemingly daily basis on the talking head sports shows (especially in basketball). I don’t place as much weight on Court’s titles or any of her opinions for that matter (to put it mildly) as she seems to but I think Serena,

The more I hear the more I think it’s us that needs help. We keep giving the most famous malignant narcissists exactly what they crave.

That one.

It’s objectively not great.

In the book, I believe they are 9 years apart. Hence my note about how they wrote her on the show. It certainly appears that they are much closer than that but who knows exactly what they intend.

In the book, I believe they are 9 years apart. Hence my note about how they wrote her on the show. It certainly appears that they are much closer than that but who knows exactly what they intend.

Yes, he does have a more extensive catalog overall, including 2x No.1 and Top 10 Billboard singles. Usher didn’t really hit in 1997 (My Way) and Alicia Keys hit in 2001 (Song in A Minor) so I think of them as roughly contemporaries (he had two singles prior that made like top 50-60 but that album sold 500k and there

Once he accepts that he needs to remarry and attempt to produce more potential heirs, I wonder if Viserys realizes he may not have however many years it would take him to be ready to marry and impregnate Laena whereas Alicent is closer to whatever his idea of adulthood would be (it’s not clear exactly how old they

Alicia Keys

Please spoiler tag these type of discussions since we don’t have two recaps.

who has probably been sleeping with the king in the six months since the queen died and who, I cannot emphasize enough, is 15 years old

All I could think about when looking at Matt Smith by the end.

I fell asleep the first two times I watched Isle of Dogs. I love stop animation (I watch literally every release on every platform that I notice) and I wasn’t expecting it to live up to the ride of FMF but what a let down.

I didn’t read the books and haven’t thus far been too interested in learning more than the show offers but, re: 5. Who will be the key players in this game?, I severely doubt Eve Best was cast so Rhaenys can sad angry face around at not being picked. Don’t tell me I’m right or wrong but I assume she’s going to be a

Sadly, that’s not how it works.

1. Am I being detained?

It’s like she just copied the also wrong AVC recap.

Their stock is down -2.68% over the last 5 days. The S&P is down -3.55%. Just pointing this out as I’ve seen several people attribute their stock performance to these actions. Their stock has been on a very consistent downward trajectory all year but, if anything, all of these cuts are going to help it. In the short

defined what pop music is—the genre wouldn’t exist without him