Dollar, Dollar Bill

Most of these have come back, especially this one, in awful covers/remixes that become defacto soundtracks for cliche TikToks and Reels.

Right after his taxes.

Worked for the Pauls, among others.

They’re not all fans of his per se. There is a certain, shockingly large, percentage of very online people who enjoy being at best contrarians for lulz and at worst malicious hive minders for sport.

As this is the first time I’m hearing of this tactic, it make perfect logical sense for those in some states but I fear we may be headed towards a Captain Phillips-like Freedom™ Flotilla situation.

I can only speak for the destinations I’ve traveled to but that is wildly inaccurate for any of the trips I’ve taken over the last five years or so for which there were comparable option.

No, I don’t think they’re just getting back together. That’s why I said some form of reconciliation. There was the potential that she could be in his life somehow or at least he could reasonably hope for as much. I’m not saying she doesn’t think he’s doing the right thing but when presented with the potential that’s

It was poignant but rather anticlimactic based on the early capture. I liked it overall and him getting caught was fitting. I like the call backs and the set-up for his pivot but I just can’t get beyond him trading his life away for redemption in Kim’s eyes vs. the potential to get out and have some % of a chance at

I’m pretty critical of the way images and headlines serve as spoilers around here but it’s the official image for the episode from AMC. So, anyone who streams it was going to see it before watching the episode one way or another. I do wish everyone would not use images that tip off the appearance of characters or

I am still skeptical that anything from the DOJ investigation will really stick but I am optimistic that a criminal tax fraud case in NY and/or election fraud case in Georgia will catch up with him.

I genuinely think if he is ever indicted/convicted/sentenced, he will attempt to flee, presumably to Russia or Saudi Arabia. Probably after intentionally inciting a real large-scale armed insurrection on his way out. It’ll be like the a combination of Game of Thrones episode when Cersei doesn’t show because she doesnt

Yes, at least superficially. I like a Sunday night HBO show to look forward to each week (I’m out on Westworld for the time being). I’m partially just intrigued with how they will try to recapture the initial interest but I can also probably enjoy Matt Smith being all swords and knives for however long with stellar

Holy fuck we need some sort of national legislation around who can own residential real estate. I don’t know what it looks like but the lack of remotely affordable housing for a huge percentage of the population is already at crisis level. We need rentals but not hedge funds boggling up as many apartments and houses as

Humidity as a driver of the heat index would explain why so many of the obviously extremely hot places in the Southwest aren’t red on either map. They’ll be averaging like 120 in the summer but it will be dry. Phew.

I’ve never heard of that. I think I am probably ignorant of a lot of Stars-type shows. Looks like it’s on Prime Video now. Is it good?

Is the CW in the limited series business now? I don’t follow anything of theirs (I’m not even sure exactly what type of entity they are now) but that Leonardo trailer does not look promising, to put it mildly, and unlike anything of theirs that I’ve been aware of. I’d love a proper Renaissance-era drama that was more

Might be a climate thing? I grew up in Central NY in the ‘80s and there was one of the indoor places with the same place structures you described (the train doesn’t sound familiar but that must have been the original Playland set-up as I was born in ‘76 and I only barely remember it from very early elementary school

I think there’s likely a very obvious situation in play here which is that one of the dominant methods of modern of dating facilitates a level of superficial evaluation of men that was historically less pronounced. That is to say, women are swiping past men based on their physical characteristics before intelligence,