Dollar, Dollar Bill

Not sure why this doesn’t mention that this was only compensatory damages and additional punative damages will likely come subsequently. It does seem low even for compensatory but hopefully he will get everything he has awarded and both he and his parent’s will also go down for fraud related to the obvious bankruptcy

The priority of policing is the protection of life.

police have normalized approaching minors without the presence of a guardian or parent

That’s likely in reference to a story from 2019 but has been going around today.

Just end government recognition of marriage altogether. There shouldn’t be laws governing religious services and I don’t even know that we need civil unions which are just proxies for traditional Judaeo-Christian marriage. Start by treating everyone as individuals for tax purposes. Allow for legal guardian ship of

That will probably always be my favorite song of his, partially because I love Chaka. And while I loathe Kanye, if you agree to license a song to be sampled, I think what they do with it is fair game unless you stipulate an approval. If he misrepresented what he was going to do with it then that is a problem but it

So then you don’t get five international shows weekly. That is the missing point. We can’t continue to live the way we currently do that is resulting in the rapid heating of the planet. Nearly everyone’s behavior is going to have to change somehow. People like Swift’s, the most.

Yeah, the thing about offsets, besides the fact that they are mostly theoretical, is that we would need them to offset the most difficult or practically impossible sources of carbon emissions to eliminate not thinking they are available to justify our current or preferred levels of consumption.

My guess would be that AAA, insurers, and automakers who offer roadside assistance use the same one or group of third-party services and/or platforms to perform the actual coordination when someone calls, just like most customer service call centers would for mail order, etc.

She has producer credits on several songs that have sampled and been sampled. Take issue with her emoji if you want but it’s not like she’s some layperson.

ETA: I looked at who they are. Looks like samples account for 7. These distinctions mean very little but of the other 17, 7 appear to be producers and/or songwriters, 6 appear to be vocalists and/or songwriters, 2 I can’t find, 1 is a model, and 1 is Jay-Z. Even if we assume a few of these people provided very minor

Elton John is part one of the most successful songwriting duos of all time for nearly all of his popular body of work—Bernie Taupin wrote the lyrics and he wrote the music. That’s not a good example but many, many (the majority of pop acts from the inception of the genre) don’t write their own songs (lyrics or music).

I’m following your take but this is one of the most accomplished pop song writers of the modern era who is fully acquainted with the process of how these things work and the legalities of how people get credit (she controls her own publishing) as she presumably negotiates with producers, etc. all of the time. I will

The close up of the caps shows him putting on new ones that haven’t yet been opened. The reaction to the cancer patient implying that this was their first failure and they’ve been batting 1.000 was odd but he complains about the amount of labor put into the screening he did on each victim so it’s safe to assume he


Not only refuse, it’s actively getting worse. Like most things, the GOP had a long-term plan and this one involved gutting the IRS. This is fucking outrageous—it’s basically a trade group:

Well, yes, sure, everything is influenced if not inspired by other things that came before—especially in fine art. But while many of Warhol’s works literally derivative (e.g., using exsiting photos to make screens), he transformed something somehow to make something new or at least create a new perspective. I’m just

To say this work is derivative would be an understatement. This is like the work of a high schooler who just discovered certain pop art (and some very specifc Warhols)—which is fine, but this is more celebrity memorabilia than fine art. I guess some people will pay for anything.