Dollar, Dollar Bill

It’s like a press release written by a museum curator who is also her cousin.


It’s not like the clock started last week and they had to come up with how they were going to wrap it up in 4 episodes and 25% ended up devoted to this. The timing is their choice—they planned out the story for the entire season at once (if not most of the series) and knew how much running time they had and made a

This may be the film that gets me back to a theater for the first time since pre-pandemic.

Hard disagree but you do you.

I love his early work but his winning for director and The Shape of Water winning for picture over Nolan/Dunkirk, Guadagnino/CMBYN, Peele/Get Out are up there with the Shakespere in Love/Forest Gump years for me.

I am very excited about anything stop animation while waiting for the next LAIKA fillms and I will always interested in a del Toro film (even though it’s been a while since I’ve really enjoyed one). I hope the political context for this story plays as much of a role as it did in Pan’s Labyrinth and it doesn’t end up

There are 85 scholarship players and probably another 20 or so walk-ons. What’s the over/under on how many abortions have resulted from just his current players? I can’t find a quick stat for college-aged women to guess but it’s got to be a few. His house would get real full real fast. Which he knows, of course.

Meanwhile, YouTube is like, here’s a plaque for your millionth subscriber! I assume that way more people actually see their content online vs. via whatever network providers they still have.

Congress really needs to pass legislation granting consumers rights to their own information. They’ll never do it of course, but no private company should be able to own, use, or sell anyone’s name, DOB, phone number, addresses, employment history, relatives, etc. without explicit consent for every instance. That inclu

Yeah, this sound like some Condoleezza Rice shit. Let me preemptively add that we are also imaging what it would be like in three years if a federal ban that is absolutely being planned gets passed and signed.

“Current” is a vague qualifier in this context. I mean, Scorcese and De Niro is actually much more current than a lot of pairings listed even though we’re skipping them. Echoing others, I would’ve said Tarantino and Jackson (or maybe a few others) over DiCaprio but they haven’t worked together in a while. Same with

Yeah, I struggle to see how this isn’t illegal on its face. One can establish exclusive agreements but one cannot specify competitors to exclude from selling or pricing products in some way.

I ended up watching Dark Winds after it played on the back half of the new Better Call Saul episode this week and I am interested enough to watch the rest. I’m now watching that and The Old Man and still trying to finish We Own this City. Seems like there’s always decent crime or limited true crime like The Staircase

The bridge project would have been funded by the shipbuilder Oceanco.

If you’re adding Fried Green Tomatoes, might as well add Mystic Pizza.

Good list with some of my favorites. Big Night, Tampopo, Ratatouille, and maybe the Meryl half of Julie & Julia would probably be my favorites. Echoing others who already added Like Water for Chocolate and The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover. A few that come to mind that I would add to my favorites list: