Dollar, Dollar Bill

I would also accept Asgard’s ass somewhere in there.

Not to mention the logic of saying that people living in the state with by far the largest population are non-normal.

“The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it. It has nothing to do with what you’re saying I can’t say.”

FWIW, it looks like there are still US basketball players in Russia now (or at least there were as recently as last month when the league ended and there are box scores that suggest this). Just adding this to say that not everyone even left (certainly not all US citizens in the country for business or personal

Best thing I’ve read on Jez in a long time, which isn’t saying much but worthwhile nonetheless.

Ramin Djawadi is amazing. He and Miguel Sapochnik are possibly the best composer/director duo ever for TV. I have watched that opening 10 minutes probably 50 times.

Hey, look at these things over here that we don’t want to be looking at because a dirt bag wants us to look at them. WTF.

Season. Sloppy writing. Season 5 will be the final season.

Agreed. In about 36 months the GOP-owned three branches will try to pass a federal ban on abortion and the Court just said there is no underlying right which means it could stand. Figurative New Yorkers and Californians are going to get their own terrifying taste of the supremacy clause. The only hope pro-choicers

KD is so insecure that the ulitimate KD move would be to try to force his way to the young Cavs to try to win two titles.

He doesn’t. I don’t think anyone does anymore (none of the superstars that you might expect do; there are certain players tbat can veto trades due to Bird rights but that’s not technically the same thing).

Agreed. I am by far the most frugal person I know. I’ll spare examples but I live like someone who makes 10x less and even I know the one thing I will pay for at this point in my life is moving. I’ve either moved myself via U-Haul and friends when moving intra-city or via an employer where I didn’t pay when moving

Don’t walk around Paris wearing Crocs and a neon t-shirt

*”a supposedly feminist website”

It’s not ever going to happen but even if there were the votes, for practical purposes, you can’t prove that Kavanaugh or Coney Barrett lied about having a belief or an agenda or lack there of. Short of some documentation that they pledged to do something, the simple retort would be that conditions changed or they had

Conservatives by and large, don’t have a problem viewing gay individuals with empathy.

I’m not a book reader so I would interested in an origin story—but of the Jedi and Sith, not the Skywalkers or Palpatines. Where did they come from, how did they come to be, etc. Give me a longer time ago and also a galaxy farther away where the past/present/future is irrelevant to new dramas.

A decent script and decent directing. Obi-Wan was baaad. I can enjoy a lot but this as a follow-up to Boba really demonstrated how there is too much TV being made that is diluting the production talent pool and compromising the development process.