Dollar, Dollar Bill

When and when not to use their phones. Phones have their place for music or following a routine but sitting on a bench texting away or taking videos flexing in the mirror are not among them (when to keep your clothes on in publicwhich would be always—goes along with this). Also, no phone use in the locker room

This pretty much describes every project of his for me.

I obviously hope it doesn’t get to this but if there is an actual debate about one or all of those, I am really looking forward to one of the liberal Justices asking him directly why not Loving. And him probably saying there is no Constitutional protection comfortably.

I’m older than you. I don’t have them flipped. I know the NRA was an active lobbying force before then. I also know Ronald fucking Reagan supported the ‘94 ban. The same Ronald Reagan along with George Bush who became pro-life to appease the Christian right based on their growing political power in the 80s. The NRA

Wut. This is the running for least accurate headline this...week? It’s hard to keep track.

Thank you for this. The outrage machine could do a much better job of actually educating people. This was a pretty big swing and miss by a “Justice Correspondent.”

There was a 2 year window when Democrats held the Senate, the House, and the Presidency under Clinton in ‘93-’94 (before Newt in ‘95). That Senate balance was 56-44. In hindsight, would it have been possible? Not sure. I don’t know enough about all of those Senators’ positions. Perhaps there was a naivety as the

Yep. Listened to one of the popular news/issue podcasts a couple of weeks ago about the polling and voting relationship as it relates to this policy question. It explains a lot.

I agree with your bigger point but, on the first part about sentiment, how old are you (serious question)? “Pro-lifers” were out hard in the US in the 90s. It’s when the modern movement really coalesced and, like most things, got worse with the internet and fragmented media. It’s when the clinic bombings and killings

Yeah, there’s a very cynical view of this that it’s counterproductive to the agenda of many of the advocates. While I don’t share their view, my brain can process how someone who thinks life begins at conception would logically support ending abortion, even passionately so. But those people have been enabled and

Looks like it is in development.

I’m too old to know Street Sharks and thought you were conflating Street Frogs and Tigersharks from the Comic Strip block.

I was going to ask how Dungeons & Dragons was so popular again (even before Stranger Things) without a new adaption but I just looked up that there is a movie next year with a Hollywood cast. I don’t know anything about it but it has seemed like this is a missed opportunity for either a new film franchise or proper

I have no confidence that whatever reboot happens will be done well since they’ll be primarily trying to sell products, but I think G.I. Joe has a lot of potential as a universe if they went more adult and serious with it. There are so many characters with so many backstories. There are awesome vehicles and tech. It

I’m here for it. An Avengers made up of Kid Icarus, Mega Man, etc. would probably need to be animated, which is an interesting idea itself—an animated cinematic universe. On a serious note, Zelda and Metroid could make the jump in many ways.

Or do it futuristic, Nolan Batman-style with cool fantasy tech. The best thing about M.A.S.K. is that the vehicles “transformed” into other vehicles so there is a lot of opportunity for killer production design.

I’m not really interested in more Maise Williams anyway. It was just the most open-ended of the story lines that could be used to build whatever one wanted.

The archetype:

ETA: I haven’t kept up with the restaurants and they have two still open.

Now if you know you know, but Ayesha Curry is a chef chef.