Dollar, Dollar Bill

I don’t know (nor care) much about him but this sounds like a common argument that there shouldn’t be billionaires, etc. that obfuscates the wildly different sources of their wealth—which then hinders potential society remedies to severe income inequality. Someone who writes some code or designs a product probably


I really just want to see where they lived. They went from being mysteriously mystical to me questioning the logistics of everything they did. I bet they had a hot tub.

What about Arya and what’s west of Westeros?

This is like an AVC thread from 10 years ago in the best way.

I’m gay and was 18 when Philadelphia made it to VHS in 1994 to see it. That performance was and is hugely significant. Reading some comments, thinking about the logical extension of this casting debate and trying to come up with openly gay actors to play a similar role (0r really any dramatic leading role) today

This goes down as one of their worst decisions. I dare say TikTok wouldn’t exist if not for Vine. Twitter, like Twitter itself, just didn’t know what to do with it. They killed a social video product at the dawn the mobile-created social video age.

Currenlty, they’ve got to be. Paul Ryan really set the stage. Springsteen and CCR also come to mind as having triggered some historically choice moments of irony.

We roll our eyes at it but the first sign that I am aware of is the Tesla “founder” title that he assumed.

Musk sent Tesla employees an email over the weekend

He’s 75.

“I was somewhat demoralized, because I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has lost contact with — he’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff,”

As some others have said, ‘94 was a spectacular movie year, with some HOFers. It thad everything: mainstreaming of the indie movement, high-quality studio films, quality highly crowd-pleasing films, and all sorts of decent genre and cult fare. College-aged video store clerk remembers so many of them like it was

He has a 24-hour “news” network and how own social platform telling him how he’s winning and always right.

We were just wrong on the year...

I was half asleep watching this scene and I thought I missed several lines of debate. Alas.

I definitely noticed the dining table and benches that they appear to have brought in just to have somewhere for Leia to be sitting in the beginning. I was like, oh, furniture.

The writing and directing of this show continue to disappoint. I know it’s Star Wars but it’s really rather awful even within this universe. I’m speaking about the small things not even the larger themes or character-based gripes. I almost threw my remote at the TV when Tala slapped a Stormtrooper on the helmet to

I’m a Warriors fan but it’s beyond ironic for anyone to complain about behavior or language used to mock Draymond. Dude is a habitual line stepper who stays trash talking—including swearing. This wasn’t a particularly good look for the fan but wouldn’t have been atypical for many college games. Also, the first rule of

So, you prove we’re wrong rather than us proving we’re right.