Dollar, Dollar Bill

I don’t know anything about the film (I’m assuming it won’t go this far chronologically) but it would be great to hear her speak in Madonna British.

It’s telling how little Cannon cares about his health or that of his partners if he refuses to wear condoms but, as the article suggests, he would appear to have some mental or emotional issues and this is likely a coping mechanism. As such, his healthcare providers shouldn’t be telling someone like him to be

I mean, it’s 2022 and marijuana is still a Schedule 1. Biden doesn’t seem to want to do or direct others to do a whole lot of shit he could and should. I’m beginning to feel like the biggest issue with Garland getting screwed is now we have someone who seems intent on not using his authority for anything material or


Again, fuck right off with “Can both sides see beyond the political problem at hand and admit that we have a life preservation problem on our hands?”. Yes, one already does. You’d think Democrats were proposing sweeping regulation with real teeth that was too far away from any potential compromise. They are begging

It’s barely about the money at this point. The NRA itself isn’t anywhere near as influential as we make it seem. They long ago ceased being a member association when they became a de facto trade group but they succeeded in making opposition to any form of gun regulation a question of identity for so many people vs. a

But QAnon’s raison d’être is to expose the pedophiles running...everything, including the space-time continuum. I look forward to how he’s actually a white hat and Trump is putting him in place now because it’s all about to happen. Like, imminently. Like, any day now. But first they need to expose more people. And

Why are untalented white artists constantly lauded in rap?

My mother still has cable for some reason so I use her cable account for HBOMax (and theoretically Showtime and whenever I need random stuff on TNT/ESPN/AMC, etc,) but her TVs have my Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and Apple TV+ (out of which I think she only realizes she can use Netflix) and she’s in my Prime household.

Every streaming service that I have exepreince with (Hulu, HBOMax, Disney+, Apple+) has a concurrent streaming limit (all higher than Netflix, looks like 4-6). It is ludicrous that Netflix charges different prices for different quality since they can presumably get resolution specs from the device side and default to

They chose to bring this over to directly replace a dud (my best friend had a CC) and yet, in the US, we have no non-performance Golf, no e-Golf, no Golf wagon (RIP All-Track wagon), no Passat wagon, no Polo, no ID.3 or 5, no T-Cross/T-Roc/Tiago, no Touran, no Multivan. Fuck, we don’t even get the Toureg anymore

Oh, fuck right off with the whatever side of the aisle we might be on we need to do better shit. We’re meant to find common ground with people who actively and aggressively block attempts to do anything? I really do want to scream at people like this to just shut up and act when they feel the need to center themselves

You don’t kick a horse while it’s down, but people from the tech industry keep dunking on Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse as his company bleeds money, and its stock continue to plummet.

Meta, the company formerly known as Facebook, has invested over $10 billion in the elusive Metaverse as its shares fell this year, by 26%

Justice for B.G.!

That interior looks like an old mall retrofitted with a DMV. The solar panel ingratiation is cool but the actual buildings are underwhelming, to say the least. It’s telling that it’s something they did themselves when compared to some of the other notable newish peninsula buildings (Apple, Facebook, etc.).

I don’t know where they live but I am available to babysit at any time.

I’m still fully remote unless I want to go in (which virtually no one does, save for a few people with kids or crappy apartments who just prefer the quiet of a nearly empty office building). My large company was theoretically working towards a similar three day schedule but with departmental discretion and without a

Things I didn’t remember from Season 3:

Things I remember from Season 4:

Give us some of that sweet, sweet Rivian market. Oh, wait.