Dollar, Dollar Bill

We’re likely hours away from Elon Musk pumping something that he’s bought on the cheap for the minions to jump on or saying that Tesla is only going to take Bitcoin in the future or some shit. I am definitely not an investor but I think this is so inevitable that I might become a short-term trader with my fuck off

And signal-boosted it. I don’t know why I even check in here anymore.

I was very into this when it originally came out in the States years ago in the Netflix DVD days and I watched the subsequent additions so I’m watching just for the dramatic presentation. Colin Firth is good as usual and I think a good choice for Michael; Michael Stulhbarg, who is one of my very favorite actors, is

If you’ve never heard of this stupid and delicious restaurant, it’s such a strangely culty L.A. experience

The operative word being seems. Basically, Tennant is doing TV and Smith is doing film (until this). Tennant would appear to have a penchant for voice work and has five kids, the youngest being 2 so, based on the little I know about being a working actor, it seems plausible that he’s making choices related to this.

Can’t lie, I was pretty much done with caring about GoT as a non-book reader (not in a dramatic, huffy sense—I had re-watched the series for what I originally found enjoyable even after that ending) but I just watched this trailer and the cast and the castles and the dragons had my attention but when the opening motif

Now, this scene appeared to take a dark comedic turn;

Since there are a lot of people questioning why anyone would not make a reservation or restaurants wouldn’t take them, one probably edge case is very popular restaurants in certain cities where dev bros began scooping them up with bots the second they are released several years ago. I know that led many restaurants to

TIL that Jared Harris is the son of Richard Harris. It never even occurred to me but now I see the resemblance when I Google them together.

- What happened to Al’s purple hat? I was distressed after the swap in the museum to the Goofy shit.

contractors, who make up the overwhelming majority of their workforce

No, but your interpretation that that is the underlying reason does.

Just the sight of Jimmy Howard gave me my best laugh in weeks.

I hadn’t been on Twitter in months but followed a link from a friend this morning and immediately saw a recommendation to follow DonaldJTrump1 or something to that effect. It was the first content I saw after the tweet that was linked. No thanks, Twitter.

Having read the coverage, I would’ve said that Naomi’s outfit and entrance were over the top for a memorial but she knew exactly who she was honoring and what he would’ve appreciated.

Yeah, this isn’t a basketball blog so not trying to start an entire thing but it irked me the way Brittney Griner is being described as the greatest basketball player of all time elsewhere. He’s made a big jump in the last few months but he’s not in any credible list of top five players yet. Basketball is weird where

The Boston Celtics’ Jayson Tatum is now increasingly seen as one of the top five players currently in the league.