Dollar, Dollar Bill

Yeah, it was at once a troll of the audience with a meta break of the fourth wall and an effective mockery of him.

Trimming around the margins like this is pointless until they get their primary content budget under control. Netflix looks to be spending $17B to earn $11B. That’s +25% YoY and +57% from 2020. Obviously, investing in growth for the promise of future profits is the tech model and often works but they have been

I don’t get the snarky take here” might as well be the tagline for 2022 AV Club.

+1 to the complaints about the way AVC seems intent on spoiling content through headlines and imagery that appear on the HP.

This may be the longest reply thread I’ve ever seen on here.

This brought back memories. I hadn’t seen that inclinometer in 35 years. This was my early childhood car. I think our plaid was gray on gray. Also, no fricking dice.

...which I don’t read. I get it. Still, I don’t see the harm in being a little bit more thoughtful with what is in the actual headlines.

A pressure washer will easily take off the prior stain/paint and top later of wood if you’re not careful (assuming that’s not what you intend). If you just want to clean, a bristle brush broom and hose should also work for most jobs. Also, the first step in finishing your deck is to know what you’re finishing. If

Thanks, William. After many years, I’m accustomed to AVC spoiling things for me and I know reading anything online carries that risk but one could’ve just as easily said something like “Producers confirm the appearance of additional Breaking Bad characters in the final season of Better Call Saul” and let anyone decide

We do.

He hasn’t thus far. I was reacting to the phrasing of someone like Magic succumbing to something.

I get it but I think a little goes a long way. We all got that Buss is like Hef in very real ways by the end of the first episode but the fingering in the restaurant in episode five was a bit much. I’m also going to go out on a limb and say we’re going to see a lot of gratuitous boobs and vulva in a show centered

I was wondering if this was going to go the way of Vinyl and crumble under its own weight. I’m still watching and I think it’s getting slightly better as it goes but I’ve found it underwhelming thus far. I’m familiar with the actual people/events and hadn’t been this excited for a new show in a minute so I may have

Ugh. That was in direct reference to the picture Gallagher was painting. I didn’t say that was the only definition of songwriting. I was making sweeping, verifiable, generalizations about what contemporary pop song writing credits can mean. Anyway, again, my gripe is with the writer for attempting to refute something

I never said I did but I’m not the one publishing articles about the topic. There’s nothing funny about that. My gripe is that this criticism of Gallagher’s comment did nothing to dispute it the way, say, actually investigating and writing about how Harry does write or his role in production would’ve. Gallagher’s

“Quirky” is what we’re going with to characterize TLCW? M’kay.

I’m not generally one to side with either Gallagher about anything, let alone Noel these days (somehow my least liked brother has flipped this decade) but nothing said here necessarily refutes what he actually said, or his implicit point about how pop songs are written.

They should start with alfalfa and other feed grasses.

He’s not qualified to run this country