Dollar, Dollar Bill

If you don’t hear it from his mouth, read it from his social media, or get it from a press release he approved it’s simply false.

I think we’re also throwing around “great artist” way too loosely at this point. Donda is, in the view of many, not at all good, let alone award-worthy (I realize this is not a universally held opinion given the context of this comment but it is widely considered his worst album yet and a continuation of a sharply down

Grifters gonna grift.

This may be the most bottom-of-the-barrel content yet on The Root. It might as well be titled “Blogs We Lost: The Root (2008-2021)

Looks like there’s been some attempts to hack something like this together if you already have the peripherals:

“Oprah Winfrey is a literary force field,” PEN/Faulkner Board Vice President Mary Haft said in a statement. “She has been like a lighthouse, standing sentry and shining a beacon of light onto literature and into the lives of writers and readers.”

... in front of one’s friends, collegues, and a global audience of millions. It’s exactly the same thing!

I imagine this humor works because it’s based on an underlying truth but are they really a common thing at truck stops? I’m a gay man and have read my fair share of erotica/seen my fair share of porn so I’m familiar with the concept but I’ve never seen one in the wild, nor have I ever been to a truck stop like the

Fuck, this is tedious.

The fucking protein shaker bottle.

For me, I think it was all the way back to I Am Legend and The Pursuit of Happiness (not sure which I actually saw first in the Netflix DVD era). I am certainly aware of other films he was in since then but I’m not a fan of DC, Bad Boys, etc., nor him as a random action star. I know there’s a couple of dramas in there

It’s definitely a demographic thing, which made it an odd basis for a joke in 2022 for that reason alone. I never saw it but I do remember the shock over Demi Moore’s shaved head back then and I can picture exactly what she looked like—it was a big deal when coverage of a few celebrities dominated our attention.

He declined to file a complaint. The DA’s office decides whether to file charges, which they won’t.

I don’t know the details of her case but Alopecia is very common—it looks likes about 1/3 of women will have some form of it at some point. The point is to not act like it’s some rare and dramatic thing so as to normalize its symptoms.

Good one. I can’t say them all but I still know nearly every word to that entire show.

Yeah, I would’ve expected to have read a report at some point about Smith punching him at an after party or something and that having been the end of it. I also like Rock and the jokes from 2016 that maybe started some beef were funny and based on underlying truths whereas this joke wasn’t and you definitely can’t be

It’s wild how there was this narrative that he’s somehow overdue and deserving for a Best Actor based seemingly based on his pop culture popularity. A lot of people were out there like he’s Scorsese with the will he “finally” win “his” Oscar like he’s entitled to one by his body of work and I had to go back through his

I think there’s a slightly more than zero percent chance of that but I would’ve expected Rock to have a better comeback in that scenario.

I agree and I’m not saying he should but that’s not a requirement of the law (DAs “press charges” in criminal cases, victims often play an indirect role but that would be moot in a situation like this which wouldn’t require testimonial evidence). I don’t think it’s likely but I imagine it will be discussed tomorrow.