Dollar, Dollar Bill

That last part. Besides what others have pointed out about the margins on inexpensive vs. expensive cards, a huge driver of the success (really the entire part thus far) of Tesla is the brand itself. Their sales are being driven by people of means who view their cars as reflections of their taste and intelligence (and

It’s not yet most but it’s the fastest growing source of revenue and clearly looked to as their primary driver of revenue growth.

I don’t know what affect this will have—is this a drip or the beginning of a wave—but I do believe that we’re still in a golden era of relatively cheap media access that won’t last forever and this could accelerate whatever the next phase is. At some point, we’re going to be paying more for music, whether we’re back to

the federal government

Never understood the red onions over white. I wonder if it is an aesthetic choice for them since they don’t use tomatoes to provide more visual texture. Red onions generally cost more and have a sharper flavor (usually the opposite of what fast food would do).

Who exactly are we meant to believe is the “THEY” in this scenario?

I actually might be as I like a lot of those types of imports but not as one of a finite number of prestige HBO shows where it’s theoretically displacing something that I might like more and wouldn’t be done or done as well elsewhere. There are way too many decent-to-good series out there that I don’t mind just skippin

Yeah, I read that they tried to block out of town sales (which would’ve been futile) but have already backtracked and it’s open now.

It’s funny. I’m half way through S1 now. I like John Goodman and Danny McBride (I even watched Vice Principals) but somehow missed altogether that Walton Goggins was in it from the promos.

For some reason this is the one recent HBO series that I hadn’t tried but that image at the top is going to make me start tonight.

real name Belcalis Almanzar

I found it odd that those actual people are also depicted in the show (Caroline Astor already shows up and Ms. Vanderbilt is mentioned).

I was blissfully unaware of this person until today. Without knowing anything about him beyond the nepotism that thrust him into our lives, he’s immediately ascended to near the top of the most-punchable faces list.

As mentioned, it’s a near complete clone of Downton Abbey, right down to the score. Ultra-wealthy, new money pained by not being accepted by ultra-wealthy old money (seriously—crying one’s self to sleep because the neighbors didn’t show up for your housewarming). Oh, and a Black woman as a secretary.

Yes, today (Monday).

There’s going to be a sea of red for sure. E40's already at The Grapevine.

It doesn’t. I don’t know that example but she won’t have success with that argument. Think of the most famous criminal cases that come to mind (maybe start with the other Manson if it helps). Juries are seated all the time in the face of versions of this argument around media coverage biasing prospective jurors.

Did you watch Season 4? Or actually read the second half of this review after the Helen mention? It contains most of the general plot elements (and some specifics) of an as-yet-to-air (as of the time of publication) season. I don’t really understand what it is but it is most certainly contains what I would consider

Whomever is left around here really needs to think about the timing of these types of pre-reviews coming out days before the respective shows air. I know it’s always been a challenge with the season-drop shows but we now have literally no community commentary about this season of a popular show as we aren’t