Dollar, Dollar Bill


The police are really, really good at solving crimes like murder

“A few of the ways to help your four-legged friend” yet the article contains one: go to immediately to the vet with evidence that they ate chocolate. Every “what to do if your dog (or cat) ___” article seems to end up with...immediately go to the vet. Why list the symptoms if the recommendation is to just go

*personal environmental liberty

Slightly related, I definitely remember eating the freeze-dried Swiss Miss marshmallows “raw,” probably while waiting for the milk to heat. Now that I think about it, I don’t know that we ever even had Nesquik brand (we had the aforementioned Fluff and all sorts of other unhealthy things). Now that I think about

It still pains me how more people have not watched this. I think I am the only one in my larger social social who has despite my many recommendations. He is transcendent.

What makes him especially maddening is that he has all of the physical tools to be very good at it. I don’t really expect some top sorcerers like Melo or Harden to be able to be especially effective team defenders, let along lock-down iso defenders, based on their lateral quickness, etc., even if they were inclined to

First round at Molotov’s is on me.

Patrick Schwing

I had do this last month in order to use the IRS messaging function and didn’t think anything of it. The selfie part was a little clunky but it works fine (and I was shocked at how well and how fast messaging worked to get them to close their inquiry by uploading my response and docs).

Yeah, should be mentee.

I think situations like this offer prime evidence that it’s not about (or at least not only about) sexual gratification.

I’d say it was somewhat ironic that it’s been all of a month since the concert where he very publicly asked Kim to take him back during “Runaway” and now he seems to be challenging the assertion that he’s a narcissist and trivializing therapy in this song but this contradictory about face is entirely expected. Newsflas

In case others see this resurfaced now, Trader Joe’s now has a hazelnut (Nutella) -filled Bamba snack this is delicious if you can find it.

I would assume their shared prior relationship is the primary basis of this rekindled friendship. It’s more about attempting to demean her than anything to with how he was or wasn’t dissed.

Frozen Thin Mints are probably the cookies I could eat the most of if I didn’t stop myself. A sleeve is one serving if I’m alone.


Logan Roy is probably the first character that I can truly associate him with since the guy from L.I.E. I do still like his bit parts in Rushmore and Zodiac.

But this show isn’t made for kids. It is made primarily for people who remember Boba Fett from a long time ago when they were kids. Enjoyment of it is largely predicated on nostalgia and knowledge of context around the people, places, and events not shown. I can’t imagine many kids find this entertaining, even those