
He was performing very poorly in what is basically their second best time-slot. He has been getting beat by @midnight, which is a pretty terrible sign at that time of night.

Everyone on the show’s contracts were ending in a month. They weren’t going to renegotiate just to keep him for an extra couple of months.

Or they are black...

A proper investigation is probably going to take more than just interviewing the accuser and the accused.

Just because they are both conventions doesn’t mean nerd fests have anything in common with political conventions.

So you basically want to make private corporations responsible for policing harassment by having them levy penalties against people accused of harassment? Peter Thiel is that you? The perfect libertarian solution!

We also elected a vice-president. So I guess Obama should just step down whenever someone makes an allegation.

Yes, being worried about democracy is so (eyeroll). Are you serious?

Great - you’ve created a world where anyone can silence their political opponents simply by making an accusation.

You are assuming you know who the victim is. Under your rules, the victim is punished in the case of a false accusation.

Who would the DNC have to conduct a prompt investigation? They are not a police force.

If you send him home you are depriving the people who elected them to represent them in the convention of their voice at the convention. By this logic, all someone needs to do to get an elected official to step down is accuse them of sexual assault. Which would be kind of ironic considering who this year’s nominee was.

It’s almost like there is a huge difference between the two. Removing some gross nerd from a furry convention isn’t the same of stripping people of their political rights simply because an accusation was made.

This is a terrible idea. You can not force elected delegates to resign without robbing the people who voted for them of their democratic rights.

What do you suggest the DNC do? Did you want them to remove him from convention without any sort of legal process? Even though doing so would rob the people who elected him as delegate their rightful voice at the party convention? How can a democracy function properly when people’s votes are dismissed simply because

There are some pretty significant issues with allowing a delegate to be removed simply because an accusation was made. Delegates are elected to attend the convention and have responsibilities beyond voting for the nominee. By removing them, you are robbing the people who voted for them to be delegate their voice in