Not trying to start an argument, and I’m not an MRA, but couldn’t the same thing be said about many feminists?
Not trying to start an argument, and I’m not an MRA, but couldn’t the same thing be said about many feminists?
Likewise, if Reddit wants to ban all gay subs, that’s totally cool, right?
Does telling someone to shut up on the internet ever actually get someone to shut up? I would think by now you would have gathered that it doean’t. Or are you a bit delayed?
Sure, it’s within their right. But they’re also free not to and to let Reddit be what it’s always been: a free-for-all with subcultures that are definitely sexist, racist, transphobic, etc. What I don’t understand is people’s obsession with making Reddit into something it’s never been. There are other websites with a…
You’re thinking of the first Amendment. Reddit is big on free expression. This is a part of free expression.
There are a number of fatherhood activist groups and I assume some of them would accept being referred to as Men’s Rights Activists. And tons of hate groups donate to or run charities. So basically nice “no true Scottsman” fallacy.
I didn’t even remember that conversation tbh. But yeah I guess you’re the kind of person who can’t handle people pointing out that you are wrong. Gosh, your life must just be awful. :p
Oh, of course, I forgot the part where being an executive at a company made it “newsworthy”. So, let me get this straight, you don’t want special treatment when it comes to outing somebody who is soliciting sex, but you want special treatment when it comes to Reddit forums, where propriety is, like the author puts it,…
It just shows you how warped, entrenched and dogmatic feminism has become that an internet group that’s basically about male socialization in Western society is a “mysogonistic hate group”.
love all of these bullshit made up fucking buzzwords....gaslighting?? Get the hell outta here with that crape. Grow a set and stop looking for things to be outraged about.
“Hate speech” is one of the most vile constructs any human has ever contrived.
You don’t understand how rights work, do you.
Who defines the hate speech? you are sounding like a fascist.
The confusion is that most Gawker Commenters, while well versed in telling everyone the evils of reddit, don’t have any idea how reddit works. It’s almost all user created.
It’s basically a giant recommendation list.
Keep in mind just how much reddit bitched and moaned about the closing of FatPeopleHate and other such subreddits. Ellen Pao was basically burned at the internet stake over trying to make reddit play nice. Reddit is not a friendly place as a whole.
it really wasnt tho...
And the Eternal Struggle between Gawker Media and Reddit continues. Seriously, give it a rest, also this: