Locomotive Jones

Meg was a good pal of mine (my horse lived at her property). She was deeply troubled and extremely generous and good-hearted. An example of the kind of person she was: she traveled to Japan on a job and brought me back a gift of a hardbacked collection of Miyazaki’s storyboards, because I used to teach a storyboarding

I can’t really fault her for thinking that was a real quote.

It’s one thing to believe that someone would say it, it’s quite another to wish violence on someone in multiple public social media messages without even bothering to look at the source. That’s aggressively stupid, stupidly aggressive.

She was legitimately out-classed, out-reasoned, and shut down by Sarah Palin.


Is Charlize beloved? I thought it was pretty well established fact that she’s an asshole (and this story seems to bolster that theory)...

This seems to be the link that really set alarms off for people, and frankly, I’m having a hard time seeing a context where this isn’t completely fucked up.

It’s still a crime no matter what causes it and it’s one of the most despicable things a human being can be a part of.

“Rapp’s entire essay from years ago is about protecting the sexualization of fictional character, particularly underage.”

I think we’re in fact referring to two different groups of people.

But then the narrative of persecution would be damaged. The whole point is to push a specific narrative of the “culture war” and if they admit that most of the bad things they report on are fringe people not ACTUALLY associated with the groups they’re vilifying then the narrative goes out the window.

The easy answer is GamerGate, the all-too-familiar amorphous group of gamers who organized in summer 2014 after game designer Zoe Quinn’s sex life was made public and eventually ended up at “ethics in games journalism.”

I would agree if Zola hadn't also acted as a pimp on her own initiative.

It’s almost like voyering into the experiences of poor marginalized women gives y’all some perverse pleasure and street cred. Do you cackle while reading stories of women raped in front of their families in the Rwanda genocide too??

So now your posting pics of children? WTF is wrong with people on this site? Is this the lions dens of Rome? For fucks sake this story involves rape, murder and sex trafficking... This is what passes for entertainment? Is it funny bc they are poor and have fewer options than the smug assholes on this site that pose as

They did work at a strip club and later moved to prostitution. She didn’t lie about her relationship with the pimp and by her own account, she stayed when she could have left. I don’t know why she was asked to go along to Florida, but from her story, she (remarkably) wasn’t pressured very heavily into prostituting

Might have been happy before. Prob not so thrilled that thanks to Zola, everyone knows she was a sex worker and is receiving constant harassment online.

She pimped out a sex slave(Jess didn’t get paid) and is telling this story, as if it were humorous, in which Jess was kidnapped, assaulted and possibly raped. She’s also linked people to Jess’ social network accounts, allowing the internet to track down and harass her. #Hero

For some people, it’s not about the fact that you wrote it (it’s a compelling story and twitter is public). It’s that you published Jess’ photograph without blacking out her face. Even if it had been all over twitter, she clearly was trying to move on and was uncomfortable having her job as a sex worker public (at

Making fun of sex workers seems chill.