Locomotive Jones

I’m not a neo-Nazi, or even an old Nazi, but congratulations on the hysterical rhetoric. No wonder you like Gawker.

Huh. Teenagers tend to be short sighted and rebellious? Who’d have thunk that.

No, fuckwad, it’s the fault of someone who didn’t see the need to TRY to save someone from a car in the water.

My grandfather got a tattoo at age 16... he got it in Korea when he lied about his age to join the Marines.

Tattoo prejudice? Really? What a fucking joke you are.

Yeah, apparently tattoos prove your stupid.

There’s a lot of awful parents in the world then...

People get tattoos for all sorts of reasons. Lots are lame. Some are religious, cultural, a memorial for a loved one, etc. The oldest mummies that still have intact skin — all are tattooed! It’s one of the few universal human traditions across all eras and continents... but sure, all tattooed people should die

A teen, not following rules? You don’t say!

She’s 2. If, at age 13, she wants a tattoo, then as long as it’s aesthetically pleasant and in a part of the body that won’t stretch the image and cause her to hate it forever as a result, game on. I’ll drive her myself.

This dog whistling is making my ears bleed.

The punishment for stealing a car and joyriding is not the death penalty....if you’re a white boy.

Right.... because getting a tattoo at age 16 somehow makes one deserving of death?

“I don’t like how you all are slandering my daughter’s name and making her look like she such a known criminal when she’s not such a known criminal. It doesn’t matter how many cars she stole.”
-Yashica Clemmons, the mother of Dominique Battle

“I don’t like how you all are slandering my daughter’s name and making her look like she such a known criminal when she’s not such a known criminal. It doesn’t matter how many cars she stole.”
-Yashica Clemmons, the mother of Dominique Battle

Actually we CAN. Its the definition of their fucking job to “protect and serve”. I dont care who the victims were or what they were doing.. if theres a chance to save them, as a human being, much less a police officer, you at least fucking try.

Isn’t risking their lives to save people their whole job description?

Show some humanity you fucking monsters.

“Moral relativist” is the buzzword I only see dragged out by disgusting excuses for human beings. Usually closet white supremacists and similar racists.

They did t rescue the girls because they didn’t view them as humans.