Locomotive Jones

I love her.

Is she giving that “side eye” that white feminists love so much? (But only ever mention when a black woman is doing it.)

But do you still feel that way now that you know she doesn’t like gays? Does she still get your she’s-black-and-fat-so-Jezebel-loves-her vote?

Are you white? Because white people are supposed to shut up and listen to the voices of POC, and help to amplify them. You are tone-policing when you tell this black woman to shut up.

Why are gay slurs flying freely in your classroom???? Once, I could understand, but it should not be routine. You have gay students, and some of them might be suicidal. Do something. Your blasé attitude is absolutely disgusting.

Are you going to say there aren’t differences? Monogamy is at least expected in most heterosexual relationships, but that very often isn’t the case with gay couples.

What about the Muslim refugees that you progressive assholes breathlessly defend on here? Do you think they’re big fans of gay people? Yet you can’t enough of them.

Regarding the texting thing? Not at all. Any man with a shred of confidence feels that way, because any woman with a shred of confidence wouldn’t text again at 3 AM. Not on the same day you met someone, at least.

This—this clapping on every word for emphasis—is something that I have done since I was a cantankerous youth.

You’re posting on a site that is 79% white.

Very sad to hear that her life was so turbulent. I’m sorry you lost your friend.

Zola has a different amoral, nihilistic worldview than yours or mine.

How was she troubled?

How dare your wife conduct her life according to her own experiences and tastes, rather than the tenets of The Outrage MachineTM. How dare she.

For the record I am a white guy WITH a black wife and have heard her make similar jokes about people.

Have to go with Azealia here.

Stop what? Telling the truth? No.

Do you always use the word “banger,” Julianne, or just when you’re being patronizing?


I do think it is entirely possible that the photographer, for example, just didn’t like this girl. Was it because she was black? Maybe!