
Here is a crazy idea. Degrees are so necessary because employers demand them because “why not?” there are so many out there, might as well. If there were fewer degree holders there would actually be less demand for them by employers to the extend that degree-holders are underemployed.

having a liberal arts degree from an elite institution is one thing. Having one from no-name institution that basically admits everybody is entirely another matter. which group are you referring to? I work in the world of “consulting and finance” and there are people with technical or business degrees from a diverse

They won’t ensure that. Colleges will raise rates. The reason that college is so expensive in USA is because there is basically unlimited money chasing it in the form of condition and qualification minimal student loans. And there are people who don’t have the aptitude for college being encouraged to pursue it. It is

The educational gap is not a lack of people going to college it is a lack of people with useful knowledge and skills. This is not going to solve that problem. If even half of the people getting degrees in social work, arts, English, or any other number of subjects which should be taken up as hobbies rather than

No because the answer to that is going to hurt a lot of people’s feelings. and it’s not “fair”.

This isn’t a peer reviewed study it is a “report” put out by a software company.

So if you decide not to hire somebody because they are a white male, because you aren’t getting a tax credit, aren’t you discriminating based on race and gender? Isn’t that, illegal?