
I can see that. I guess it’s that I can picture my mom (not a scifi fan) watching Quantum Leap every week (and I think she did, actually), and I can’t picture her enjoying Sliders. WL shares a certain sensibility with shows like Highway to Heavn and Touched by an Angel, where the protagonist is actively trying to help

Not really. Quantum Leap was, in a way, a kind of anthology show. You could be a complete non-fan of science fiction, and still enjoy watching Sam Beckett in a Western one week, a pulp mystery the next, then a horror story, etc, all set in time periods that the viewers were familiar with (so you get a nostalgia

Oh you’ve never done it? There’s a whole ritual involved.

A bird with eyesight acute enough to spot fish from flight can probably see a chunk of food in a translucent cup.

Sorry, but...what a lame thing to do. I was expecting it to be something like biolumescent algae growing on the rock. There is nothing cool or natural about taking the shrimp out of their environment and pouring them over a completly foreign environment for a photo op. Unimpressed by the murder of innocent shrimp...

You hate it. I hate it. We all hate it.

Inspired by the most logical race in the galaxy, the Vulcans, breeding will be permitted once every seven years. For many of you, this will mean much less breeding. For me, much, much more.

How about Doug DeMuro?

It’s just mother nature trying to take an over-polluting VW off the roads.

As someone who works at a grocery store, I’d like to offer a balancing perspective. When a popular blog prints the words, “while stores don’t exactly advertise these free services, they’ll usually offer them in the name of customer service” I get a bit nervous. We don’t advertise these free services because they are

These bulbs on your link are used, not new. Used is $16.38, new is $41.85. Is is a bad link?

These bulbs on your link are used, not new. Used is $16.38, new is $41.85. Is is a bad link?

You, sir, just won the Comment Olympics. I’m dying.

I hope you’re going to be able to get through the day with that unintentional drive-by assault on your ego. I started the comment, but sent it a bit later, without checking again for your absolutely flawless pearls of wisdom. But, absolutely and truly, you were the first person to subtract 78 from 93, and come up with

Must have been a Cars and Coffee near the ramp.

I believe it’s pronounced ‘chahge cahd’.

Which is it? Planks or pushups?

Toyota is the “nice guy” of car companies. May have plenty of decent qualities wrapped in an inoffensive, safe package, but no one *lusts* after these things.