
This site is constantly linking to deals specifically on amazon. You are complicit.

That Camaro has had some work done to it. It has the Z28 chin spoiler used in 1979 - 1981, but its not a Z. It’s missing the hood scoop and the lamp trim is chrome not black. Those grills were only used in 78 and 79 but would have been gray if the standard car. Black was reserved for the Z.

All words are made up. Don’t be an asshole

Ahh, Bach

The gray tires and no environmental reflection don’t help any. Only makes me want to drive one through the Uncanny Valley.

Yup, came to comment for that as well. And it’s repeated multiple times.

Perhaps it’s more accurate to say they are reinforcing or reinforcement rods, not reinforced rods. The rods themselves are fairly simple and homogeneous.

also, the rods (bars as they are called in engineering) are not reinforced.. they are the reinforcing.

Exactly. Why the hell would a writer actually research anything before posting information about a video they find interesting. More standard issue journalism of today. It’s pathetic.

It is a complete hack job at writing. By someone who didn’t bother to look up many facts. Like what rebar stands for or how it is used.

“Inside nearly everything made of concrete, you’ll find reinforced steel rods that compress the material, making buildings, bridges, and other structures even stronger.”

It also doesn’t “compress the material.” I’m not even sure what he’s trying to say. Between this and the baseball bat story, I’m starting to think Andrew really doesn’t have any idea what he’s writing about.

I had the same thought...

It’s a reBar.. Reinforcing Steel Rod ... NOT Reinforced Steel Rod ... please correct.

The “re” in “rebar” stands for “reinforcing,” not “reinforced.”

Uh, Liszewski.... Rebar provides extra tensile strength. They don’t “compress the material”.

The bar is not reinforced, but used in reinforcing concrete.