
Fixed. Everyone told you NOT to buy an M62 car for this exact reason. NOW can you finally stop telling people who can’t afford an M5 to buy a car with the disaster of an engine that is a high-mile M62?

Hey Kirk, remember when I was laying odds on how quick we were gonna get this comment?

Grow a dick. This is why she doesn’t like you. You don’t have a dick. I’m sure this “C” guy gives it to her like she dishes it out and that’s what she craves. I’m just amazed someone can be this dickless. Call it love, call it sex, but let’s call a spade a spade - you need to alpha up your beta game. Praise Jebus I’ve

Let's not science the shit out of this. If you're hypothesis is showing that you need more "decorative" and "colorful" foods instead of classic survival rations, it's time to do some field work and stop pontificating.

You should be dismissed, IMO.

duct/duck tape is neither known food safe nor classed as safe for potable water, additionally if you get the stuff cheap from the dollar store/etc who knows what chemicals you are potentially exposing yourself or your pet to.

This is encouraging. We’re going to need mouse traps that last hundreds of years, now that those jerkface scientists are figuring our how to help mice live longer.

Is it too much to ask to know how it works? Or is that outside the scope of this tech-related (or was it climate change? politics?) website

Again this isn't cannibalism as they are different species.

Maybe aquarium geeks know more than I do, but my sources indicate this is a direct result of a predatory species stressed from unnatural and mismanaged containment. An adequately fed predator will not attack/ingest a co-species unless its environment has been inadequately managed. Just saying.

Badder? Cannibalism?...and all this in a 3 sentences article. Bravo!

How is it cannabilsm you stupid millennial fuck.

I don’t mean to be one of “those” people. But, that isn’t a pool of fluids. Its the asphalt patch from when they put the guardrail post in.

What I learned from this experience is simple: most pickup truck owners don’t care what they need. They care only what they want.