
Vanity Vents.

Possibly. Bellevue is crawling with these...

This looks the closest so far,



Any Wilman, eh?

That woman is massive!

Ahahahahaha! This gets all of my internets on this the day of my birth!

Meh. Not very ridiculous, fast, or crazy.

Intentionally expose yourself or your beloved pet, to chemicals that you would never want to put in your body. Wow, what an amazing lifehack...

Came here to learn how this contraption works. Was disappointed.

This list needs Aces Over Europe.

This reminded me of the episode of MASH where Hawkeye gets a portable bathtub from Abercrombie & Fitch. It makes a portable bathtub seems like the best thing ever and makes me sad that I don't own one.

You secretly love the Pontiac Aztek, don't you?

I hate to point it out but, “during a four our mission” *hour.