Peak hipster
Nobody puts Baby on the floor.
Dating has changed a LOT since I got married.
Nothing brings us adults more joy than messing with the unsuspecting minds of toddlers! This reminds me of the baby meeting her dad's twin for the first time...
Thank you Ms. Rose for writing this article. It means a lot to me and I am really excited that I made it to the pages of Jezebel.
So she got all the eggs, but where is the spider that laid them?
Just what is going on in that photo?
Snickers? Lah-de-dah, look at Fancy Pants with their store-bought candy bar.
You mean the same league that deliberately lied about the long-term effects of concussions lied about a video?!?!?
I'm pretty sure that's a really, really semantic point to make. Not that it's not accurate — as someone else pointed out, wax paper would melt — but still WAY beside the point. Also like six other people made this same point, so maybe check the damn comments first.
Regardless of the merits of actual sexism vs. ironic sexism, I don't fathom the argument that Vergara's approval automatically makes it not sexist. It's as if #womenagainstfeminism wasn't an actual, scarcely month-old thing. Women are perfectly capable of upholding the status quo.
Hey, look, a transphobic troll! I in no way expected to see this exact, poorly thought out comment from some entitled asshole in the grays.
Strange name, that "Gofuh Kyorself".
Well what are YOU doing to stop the spread of American Sign Language?
The guy with the fro who started off saying ASL encapsulates the parts I don't like about this campaign.
I have nothing new to add other than that a guy that attempted to sexually assault me in high school ended up becoming a cop. Blech.