i mean that whole rape thing he did was pretty shitty....
i mean that whole rape thing he did was pretty shitty....
Drug addiction and Alcoholism, still hasn't hit rock bottom and he's homeless... so i don't truly know when that day will come.
exactly, i've drank many times... not once have I been involved in domestic violence. It's the person not the drug or alcohol.
A-B...tastes like shit..looks like equal rights.
Diet soda make you retain water i.e you gain weight due to this, high amounts of sodium will do that.... not to mention it seeps the potassium out of your bones and can cause stomach cancer... but ya know, it's up to you. I drank diet soda for years and I also was a college athlete and gym goer who ate healthy, it…
still hate frat boys doe
I have a very similar body type as Serena... years of weight training/ cardio and clean eating ... still don't have her abs -_-
after one of these was found in a local purchase of bananas and a black widow in grapes... i have not eaten bananas or grapes and refuse to do so... i live in pretty much canada spiders like that shouldn't exist up here.
this post just got ridiculous....and i loved it
lentils?! fuck when i go on vacation i put a tarp in my apartment complex parking lot and call it camping and I pay the squirrels in peanuts from a snickers bar.
Please watch the TED talk on Domestic Violence and why women stay, it explains it 100% ... in a short version, many women experiencing DV try and see that the person they are with can change. They are in love with that person and like in the talk it says " you don't go out on a first date with someone and they say in…
My Italian Greyhound ate :
just so much dumb at one time
soooo how many people does he need to physically assault before getting a legitimate sentence?
keeping my maiden name when i get married next year, just like most of my friends have as well along with my sister.... i'm looking for invitations this month and I def will steer clear from these vendors
Dated my TA... he ended up being weird... but i got an A in the class so that was cool
#3 My father and a very close friend passed away when I was a Junior in highschool.... def would go back and tell myself that.
Alton is also a huge douche
I've been to Pranna... it is in fact a huge shit show all day and night long... never ever going back.