
I found a study (which I already linked to another commenter) that showed that trans-women “retain a male pattern regarding criminality after transitioning. The same was true regarding violent crime.”

You want me to prove that putting males in the same prison as females is dangerous? Why do you think that we segregate prisons, bathrooms, etc by sex? Trans-women are male. They were socialized as males.

I searched google and did not find any consistent statistics.

No such study then, huh?

I’m not a “TERF”. I don’t think that it means what you think it means.

What point exactly am I supposed to “prove”? That a male is not a female? Didn’t you cover that in 8th grade biology?

So are you going to link me a study or not?

I’m not trolling at all. I just believe that the safety of women is more important than a man’s delusion.

Why do we separate prisons by sex in the first place?

Could you provide a link to a study that shows that trans-women are less dangerous and less violent towards women (inmates and in general) than “regular” males are?

Chelsea Manning is biologically male. Putting Manning in a women’s prison would pose a security threat to the female prisoners.

“What might be happening is that our jealous reptile brains haven’t caught up with new social rules and gender roles.”

You can change the age range setting...?

“This week, Caitlyn was honored as one of Glamour’s Women of the Year”

Funnily enough, I did not see the word “men” mentioned even once in the article. Wonder who’s doing all the raping/“getting” these girls pregnant.

“I have a theory that liberal guys are probably less likely to be misogynistic pricks...”

My point is that it sounds like you said that stuff like this does not happen anywhere else but in small towns like Dearborn, Kansas.

This happens in “The Rest of the Civilized World” too.

“You guys are all a bunch of fucking pussies. If I see one of you mark fucking bitches, I’m going to make sure you guys do it you fucking pussies.”

I reckon that’s “matrilineal”.