
My dad was a fairly conservative minister. I remember the look on his face when I explained what purity rings and purity balls were, because they were trending at the time in our community. He didn't know they were a thing. He told me, "That's a personal choice of yours. It has nothing to do with me. You are my

Imagine the search traffic you could bring in by launching a new line of sex toys named Purity Balls. The SEO opportunities alone give me pleasant chills.

Conservative ChristianityTM: Blaming shit on independent women since the Garden of Eden.

Yes, creepy in the same way as a hummingbird’s heart rate is brisk.

Duh. Everyone is born straight. They only decide to become homosexual when their minds are perverted by Satan or liberal thoughts or marijuana.

I keep forgetting purity balls are not some weird sex device but a creepy father-daughter dance where he pledges to protect her virtue.

I was gay before I was a feminist. How did that happen?

And in case you’re looking for other awesome (women) congressional candidates to support during this super super important election year:

TBH this sounds like every woman’s frosh year + Jager bombs+ experimental haircut.

But what about the feminists who were already not-hetero to begin with? Did they suddenly turn straight? Is that where bisexuals and pansexuals come from? Would he be concerned if they changed their sexual orientation to asexual? Where’s his line in the sand?

“Your daughter will reject the religious and moral codes you raised her with,” a press release for the lecture warned. “Your daughter will distance herself from family and friends. Your daughter will change her appearance, and may even change her sexual orientation. Your daughter will end up hating you (her father)

God forbid a woman make up her own mind about the way the world works after LEARNING something new at a place of higher EDUCATION.

She didn’t just have a history of depression, she had a history of severe mental instability. Multiple suicide attempts. The police were called to that home 14 times in the last 4 years. If we’re EVER going to allow mental illness as a reason to deny gun ownership then I’m hard pressed to think of a more obvious case

As far as gun manufacturing, though, I keep hearing more and more about 3D printing of guns. Cray

If this is sarcasm, I would point out that it does work well for things that are not easily manufactured. We’ve got a pretty good handle on controlling Sudafed, for example, thanks to a national registry. It’s hard to control things like drugs, because drugs are either fairly easily manufactured in the US (meth, weed)

Yep, I agree completely. Make it more difficult to get. So far it works well with everything else.

I’ll tell you what would have - an entirely different way of looking at the world where the greatest threats aren’t the unknown baddies lurking in the shadows, rather, are within your own home. It’s a certain naivety that lurks within conservative circles that externalize all threat vectors while riding denial hard

I bet you texas would begin to have some of the strictest gun control laws in the country if this happened.

I read the “kill yourself” comment as having been said when she’d already pulled the gun. Still pretty insensitive but it kind of sounds like he said it in a last attempt to avoid a massacre.