

I should...I guess I also wonder, should I mention The Crush in therapy???

We have tried therapy once, briefly. We both thought the therapist was kinda stupid, which brought us together, a little bit. From listening to him during the two sessions we had, though, I was like wow, this man does not listen to me or remember important things I tell him AT ALL. His version of why we had moved was

I know I’ll never be in a relationship with the crush. I just wonder how to stop feeling this way. Or how to do something productive for my personal growth with these feelings.

That’s what I have been doing for over ten years, so, Yay me?

It’s more about dissatisfaction in my own life and marriage, to be sure.When I met my husband my career (as an aspiring academic) had cratered due to lousy job market. I was overweight, lonely, unemployed, unmoored. I got married to someone I barely knew, who was just as insecure as I was.

I think I’ve accepted the reality of staying together for the kids, and he is nice, but we’re really not sexually or financially compatible. I don’t feel cared for or respected really. He did some things early on that made me feel taken for granted, and he has never really realized what that was all about, or

Jezzies, this isn’t GOT related but maybe it is? Because it contains elements of fantasy, illicit sex, and acute life or death decisions and a total drama queen (me)? Apols for threadjacking, but I need a band of stalwart Amazon mother goddess types to ride to my aid. I posted this on SaNiSo and got one good response

I agree with’s just that, I’ve been at that point for YEARS now. Introspection, personal inventory, self- improvement, journalling.Tried counselling but neither of us liked the counselor. He’s a good father, and I’m not miserable, just bored. And it’s #notallmen. Most men are invisible to me. I’m in

Happily married, can’t stop thinking about another man. Has gone on way too long. Plz share stories. Misery wants company.