
Is your marriage good? Don’t chase the maybe. Avoid the crush when at all possible. Unfollow on Facebook (don’t unfriend, that could be noticed).

Lots of women in abusive relationships have children at home, though. I agree with the spirit of what you’re saying, but between that and the fact that abusers can often take away whatever weapon you have and use it against you - I just don’t think more guns can ever truly be the answer to violence, gender based or

So, apparently, shooting potentially dangerous person in the foot does work.

That must have been horrifying! I am glad it was just your downstairs neighbour.

Joining you on the hypocrite’s bench.

He said that he took her phone so she couldn’t call for help. I’m absolutely sure he was going to kill her.

I’ll say it. I hope he gets gangrene and it kills him. She’ll be safer and she deserves that. This guy could still kill her.

Possibly, it was only his foot sticking out from under the bed.

Mmmmm, in the physical active act of robbing you, maybe yes, but on the other side of the house from you or already running out the front door, no. (IMO) Shelter in place. Robbers don’t have the relationship connection (perceived or real) that keeps them coming back and trying to kill you.

I’ve seen so many of those stalking shows on Investigation Discovery. These men go to prison for a few years (if you’re lucky), and often go right back to stalking when they get out. The victims spend their entire lives looking over their shoulders. I very rarely say things like this because I truly believe in due

I concur. A woman who can prove she’s being stalked by an ex with a history of being a shithead seems a pretty cut-and-dried example of somebody who, if she can pass the checks herself, has use for a gun. She even used it to non-fatally wound and then hold him until backup arrived, which is more than many

Having a gun for protection makes so much more sense when there is an actual threat to your life than a perceived one.

I was really afraid of my ex breaking in to my apartment when I first moved out. One day, I was about to go to bed, and I realized I could hear snoring in my bedroom. I went to kitchen (quietly!) and grabbed a knife, then got my cell phone and turned on the flashlight function while I had the call to 911 typed in,

I think there are occasionally legit reasons to have a gun. Someone actively stalking you is one of those reasons, provided you also get trained in how to use it.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. There are times when guns are right, and this, it would seem, is one.

Normally stories like these end so badly.

If we had stricter gun laws this woman would still have been able to get a gun to protect herself. The point of gun control isn’t to take away guns. It’s to make it much more difficult for people who shouldn’t have them to get them. Gun control would also put limits on the types of guns that are available. No one

1.) I’m glad she shot him (I know that’s hypocritical as an empathetic eastern lib who hates guns. I don’t care.)

If this were a just world, she would be able to sue her ex to pay for the security system she needs thanks to her ex.

InB4 all the TROLLZ argleblargle that this one incident justifies our moronic lack of gun laws.