A lot of people are pointing to a rule from the APEX 2015 Smash Tournament Rulebook. Again, people are referencing a rulebook from a different tournament from 2 years ago. The rule for that tournament goes as such:
A lot of people are pointing to a rule from the APEX 2015 Smash Tournament Rulebook. Again, people are referencing a rulebook from a different tournament from 2 years ago. The rule for that tournament goes as such:
Glad to see Crash Bandicoot making a comeback.
Not sure if I can reply to a pending approval post, but I just wanted to clarify as I might have been too vague or misrepresented some things. Shibata is definitely not a spring chicken, no. I was meaning young in that he hasn’t been at the forefront of discussions among the internet wrestling community as much as he…
I will say this. The Shibata situation is one that everyone in the wrestling business, both in the East and West, have been observing with great interest. Not only is this a young talent who’s career may be cut short by the “strong-style” offense he’s most known for (Note: Strong-Style is a style of Pro Wrestling…
Poppy is life. Been listening to Lowlife on repeat and I feel like I’ve ascended to the next level.
In the standup community, it’s hard to pin a person as a joke stealer without some hard evidence. There is such a thing as parallel thinking. If Person A can come up with an idea of ordering a clown for themselves, due to a depressing situation to cheer themselves up, why can’t Person B do the same? If you look at…
It is well known that JBL is a bully backstage and a huge dick inside and outside the ring. JBL has skirted by for far too long as a voice of the product, especially after his treatment of Mauro Ranallo. It’s pretty disgusting. It goes way deeper than this article goes, if you’re interested.
On paper, when we first heard rumors about this Mixed Tag match between Miz and Maryse vs Cena and Nikki, we sort of left out a collective groan. How many more manias does Cena have? This is also rumor that this is Nikki’s last due to her neck injury being reaggravated. We felt like this was a waste and a popcorn…
Do you have a reference for him calling his wife “Mother”? I find it hilarious and want to see it.
I feel your pain. I’m looking to trade my copy back in for Persona 5 next week. It’s sad, but it’s just not a game for me. I figured maybe it was because I was just getting too old for this crap, but my 10 year old shares most of my sentiments. He got horribly frustrated that all his weapons break, “even these…
So, free is pretty much one of the biggest insults you can hurl at your opponent within the context of the fighting game community. Stemming from the original origins of the arcade scene where you had to pay a few quarters to play versus an opponent, if someone was “free’ it’d be the equivalent of getting another…
My other military inspired controllers are all in camouflage, so I easily lose them in my house.
People who are at these levels of online notoriety should be very scared right now. With the rise of social media, it was definitely a lawless land (and still is to an extent) where fans and normal people wanted unprecedented access to celebrities of all levels fame. From the Tom Cruise level to the Colin Moriarty…
Yeah, I tried a few times this weekend, but no dice. I know I got my very first one to trigger in this fashion, but I couldn’t get it to happen again after that. Back to the drawing board.
I was able to do the same thing. Tonight, I’ll see if I can trigger it again and record it. I’m on Wii U, so it’d be a ghetto recording of my tablet.
What I find oddly unprofessional is the “disappointed parent” tone of the announcement and the shaming of players. Jeff Kaplan is the director and is obviously very passionate about Overwatch, but he shouldn’t be the judge, jury, and executioner on all things Overwatch. The announcement should just be a standard…