I guess my stance is: the guy is dead. There won’t be some justice, or an apology. You’re not gonna get some “gotcha” moment where you nail him with him being creepy.
I guess my stance is: the guy is dead. There won’t be some justice, or an apology. You’re not gonna get some “gotcha” moment where you nail him with him being creepy.
Entitlement issues abound.
I would have never known about this shitshow of a video if it weren’t for this blog post. You just played yourself.
Kanye West has an album dropping soon, so he’s just trying to get his name back into the news again. And, well, it worked. We’re all talking about him once more.
I was hoping for another Papers, Please. Glad to see someone take the idea and do another version of it.
I had to dust off my old account for the usage of “Worked Shoot” being excellently executed.
When looking for someone, is it for a particular scene or a generalist? I live in the Southern California area and can make it to the eSports arena on a weekly basis for Wednesday Night Fights - fighting game weekly tournament held by Alex Valle.
This tabletop RPG sounds like the Persona game series to a T, especially the latest (Persona 5).
I find it hilarious where people look to have sympathy for someone clearly making donation money developing a game based on someone else’s IP when we, in the same breath, crucify mobile apps for stealing game assets for a quick buck.
My question is how the hell would you be able to convict someone of this? People are going to be filming themselves having sex a whole lot more just to have evidence.
I know we have to do 4 year / 2 term limits and all that for democracy, but I definitely wouldn’t have minded Obama to just run it out for another 8 years. Watching this was like seeing your ex doing way better than you with a hotter boyfriend.
I’ve seen alcohol bring out the darkest sides of people you think you know. Not saying I know Shia Lebouf, just friends who harbor some deeply seeded hate toward others that only comes out when Jack Daniels shows up.
I know you aren’t the biggest boxing fan, by your own admission, but there’s more to the comment. It’s not a racial slur, but if you’re looking for people being racist I can see how easy it is to convince yourself that it is.
This makes me imagine a perfect world where Diablo 3 comes out for the Switch.
Yeah, the title made me think there was a Neo-Nazi parade or something going on in the south, not a World War 2 Re-Enactment troupe.
Ahh gotcha, thanks for clearing that up. The rumor pops up on r/SquaredCircle on Reddit a lot, so I figured there was a true story behind it that wasn’t as crazy.
But the references of today wouldn’t apply 50 years ago or 50 years in the future. Hillary Clinton shirts and Bernie Sanders references? comon
There was this rumor going around that Chris Benoit’s Wikipedia page was updated reflecting his death via an IP address from Titan Towers in Connecticut. The catch was the update was hours before the bodies were discovered.
The Progressive Liberal gimmick is pretty good in today’s political climate. It’s cheap heat, but it works. Depending on the state or city you’re in, you can flex between a face or heel and give yourself a variety of in-ring opportunities. The only drawback is that it has a short shelf life and might not age well.
I hope retailers can grow some balls and institute a hard 1 unit per customer policy to avoid people like my scumbag neighbor who bought 3 at Target in one visit.