Yeah that’s hating autistic people, sorry. Viewing your child as somehow less your child because they start manifesting autistic traits without checking if it’s convenient for you is hating autistic people.
Yeah that’s hating autistic people, sorry. Viewing your child as somehow less your child because they start manifesting autistic traits without checking if it’s convenient for you is hating autistic people.
I’m mostly thinking of the cutaway to a movie called “Gone, Profoundly Disabled Baby, Gone” where the entire joke is that a detective is promising a couple he’ll get their kid back and they keep assuring him that there’s no rush.
I know this is first and foremost a public health threat but I wish more attention was paid to the fact that buying into the autism-connection myth demonstrates a profound hatred of autistic people. It’s one thing to say, no, that’s bullshit, but people who spread it should also be confronted with the fact that they…
Has McFarlane ever been shy about thinking making fun of disabled people is funny?
Of course, there’s also a vast swath of that area that thinks he “kept drugs out of Boston” which in this context means “he sold drugs himself so there were no black people in the neighborhood selling them.”
Dude, this is cheating. If you want to keep kids from looking up to you you have to scream and cry on your way to the electric chair. Those are the rules.
I did notice this episode (I can’t judge the full season, obviously) did a really good job of actually having the ethnic diversity of SoCal reflected in both the foreground and background, in a way that shows like Girls and Low Winter Sun famously couldn’t. The first season did a decent job of that too, even if two…
Look, if he’s a good-looking shell-shocked vet on an HBO show, he’s gonna be fucking his mother. Those are the rules.
How Reagan-esque. That should have been a selling point.
Assuming the kid will ever learn to read is kind of putting the cart before the horse.
And the baggy pants and the rap-hop and the smoking of the reefer like common jazz criminals...
It’s “laughing with delight,” dumbass.
Bobby Jindal’s been praying for someone to feel superior to all week. God is good.
Also a bigot, or something.
Hahahaha Scalia’s dissent reads like Rex Harrison taught a Yahoo comment to be a proper lady.
Oh yeah, like that Breitfart douche who had regularly made jokes about gamers being basement-dwelling virgins until he caught onto the idea of hating feminists as a way for him and the Young Parsons to find common cause and became GG’s white knight.
I like how they use minorities and women as a shield against criticism of their racism and sexism using the hashtag “#NotYourShield.”
These guys calling people “professional victims,” those are the people insisting their free speech is restricted if they can’t harass fat people, yes?
So this is a covert op to make True Detective look kinder to women, right?