Well, that’s their music. They’re just getting a jump on mythologizing what they grew up with no matter how terrible it is.
Well, that’s their music. They’re just getting a jump on mythologizing what they grew up with no matter how terrible it is.
If you’re as obsessed with not coming off as an old person as Madonna is, thinking a 7-year-old reference is topical and witty is probably not the best way to go about it. Maybe give two thumbs up and go “Is nice!” while you’re at it.
Aw, fuck, my mother-in-law is Charlotte Elizabeth. Get ready to long for the days of spider jokes, Char.
That’s the case for a lot of religious people who don’t think gayness is inherent but is a “lifestyle choice”.
Good news, it already exists.
Ugh every time I feel like I can safely say “Fuck everyone involved in this” I remember that includes Steve Buscemi.
Cops HATE Her! Baltimore Prosecutor Holds People Responsible for Killing a Guy With This One Weird Trick.
Yeah, but it was an accident that occurred because you’re kind of racist, Evil Cobie Smulders.
That and people who say their favorite character is “the midget.”
His and the public’s appreciation of him are running about even, but he may pull ahead a la JLaw at some point.
I know, bro, it’s like you can’t even treat an Oscar-winning director speaking English as some amazing accomplishment without people thinking you’re being condescending.
I mean, RDJ should probably be grateful because if the interview hadn’t taken that turn, people might be talking about him saying something blatantly racist earlier in it.
I mean, I try not to be That Guy about most nerdrage-y things, but “I AM DAENERYS TARGARYEN” is like 60% of her fucking lines.
Oh thank God, a man has an opinion on this. I was getting worried.
Yasss. I need a strong female character to put on top of my cubicle now that my Daenerys figurine’s foot broke off and I have to put her on her back.
So does Eve’s role in Star Trek make her an... astroTERF?
So fucking sick of “BUT DA LAW!!!!!” You know that law doesn’t mean if you think you’re getting unequal pay, you can call the cops and they show up and say “Give her equal pay or we’ll arrest you,” right? It means if you think you’re getting unequal pay you can take your employer to court, except you probably can’t, be…
A department that’s been lying from the start reporting something that sounds focus-group tested to scare as many white people as possible? SEEMS LEGIT.
I need a dramatic reading of this. Either Michael Shannon or Walton Goggins.