

Lose-lose for this guy. He jumps in and takes a side, and he’s a violent offender. He stays back and does nothing, and he’s condoning violence. I think it’d just be better if it hadn’t been on camera.

Umm, what the hell does he have to apologize for? I’m pretty sure this is the best any NFL player has ever reacted (on video) to a violent situation. They should show this at the Rookie Symposium in the “right way” category. By attempting to stop or break this up he would have put himself in a much worse situation. Is

While I don’t dig the clear Bernie bias in the following Paste article (nor in this Jezebel article either...”the excellent campaign”?), I did find the q&a on the history and relative lack of importance of superdelegates to be informative: http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2016/…