This article and what it means really puts the lie to all the “China rising” and “China is the next big thing” nonsense
This article and what it means really puts the lie to all the “China rising” and “China is the next big thing” nonsense
And that’s what pisses alot of people off. Young families want to own a home but have to live all the way out in buttfuckville and drive to Vancouver to work. It’s bonkers. I can’t wait to see the bottom drop out of the real estate market.
No one’s moving to Vancouver - everyone’s just buying property to flip later so it’s too expensive to move here. If you ever want to see creepy, just hang around David Lam Park right after sunset and notice how none of the lights in the surrounding condo towers are coming on...
A few blocks away, International Village…
The best thing America could do is take a good look at the rest of the Western world and develop a similarly structured tax-code—note, I’m not referring to “tax rates” specifically, and I’m not advocating for a regressive “flat tax.” The U.S. has a notoriously byzantine tax code that mystifies multinational…
Well since they’re all moving to Vancouver; maybe we should all just move over to china and take over their empty properties. tit for tat’n all
Japan has the most advanced transportation system on the planet and plenty of delivery services. China does not, unless you’re in the top 0.5%.
Yeah, but then where would he hide his own money to dodge taxation?
China copies the Pentagon to make it’s own shopping mall. Sure it’s a shopping mall. I believe that, I read it on the internet. There’s no way it is where the Chinese Military has been privately practicing their invasion tactics. Now excuse me I need to pass some info along to the Clockwork Elves.
“Car ownership is not a requirement for survival in countries that are not the USA”
Maybe not, but let’s consider the logistics of actually going out to a 70-acre shopping mall.
It’s just a trick that reporters haven’t figured out yet... China calls it a shopping mall so the US doesn’t suspect anything, but really the Chinese military are doing practice runs on how to take over the Pentagon. It makes perfect sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an underground base beneath it with…
In the US, that’s the first place you go when shopping for unstable regimes. :D
‘China is known for building ambitious infrastructure projects in order to artificially prop up their economy and stock market, while simultaneously funneling money into the pockets of contractors and bureaucrats, and not finding humans to populate them after the fact.’
Just imagine for one minute that instead of using all the steel, plaster, and wiring for this festering monument to consumerism, we built stuff that actually mattered. Like, I dunno, a space ship. Or anything other than empty shops shilling even worse plastic crap. Seriously, imagine it. If we focused our collective…
I’m a little confused that someone would look at the Pentagon and think ‘shopping mall’, surely ‘prison’, ‘tomb’ or ‘building from which the evil overlord controls the world’s population’ would come to mind first.
Car ownership is not a requirement for survival in countries that are not the USA
The Communist party creates endless construction projects that no one needs to make their economic growth look better than it really is. This is the story of many of China’s giant empty buildings.
This mall can do the kessel run in under 12 parsecs.
‘China is known for building ambitious infrastructure projects in order to artificially prop up their economy and stock market, and not finding humans to populate them after the fact.’
“It Spans About 70 Acres Across”
$200 million? That’s a rounding error on some of our failed DOD projects.