Duh! I cant wreed! Says the idiot i have been talking to. Stop trying your arguments suck more dick than you (which I thought was never possible)
Duh! I cant wreed! Says the idiot i have been talking to. Stop trying your arguments suck more dick than you (which I thought was never possible)
That argument is about as lame as your rotary phone pic. An increase of oxygen in the atmosphere is not plastic. Plastic does not increase the pH of the ocean, Yes, I agree. But this equilibrium you are talking about is inaccurate because the oceans pH is increase not due to plastic but from run off liquid chemical…
Its not a new equilibrium you asshole. We are increasing the pH of the ocean kill off lots of species. Thats not an equilibrium not even close. Get educated and read a fucking book Klebert L. hall
impossible hes the Saboteur!