
Just because you unionize doesn’t mean the employer is magically required to hire unionized workers or keep them. Most employees in those industries are hired as an “at-will” employee. Meaning they can be fired for any reason. Legally, you can’t be fired for organizing to unionize but the employer could use any other

It’s clear you don’t understand much, let alone how capitalism works.

If there is a buick sedan, cadillac sedan, oldsmobile, impala, azera, or lincoln towncar in the line, you almost certainly CAN’T depend on that with any great reliability.

You know what’s better? Teaching your children to take care of themselves and make the right decisions themselves. You can’t “protect” them forever and can’t control their access to media 24/7 if they are determined.

Hey, stop taking your existentialism problems out on poor foodstuffs!

Can’t wait to ditch this sinking platform... If AAA devs and publishers get over themselves and go DRM-Free so GoG could fill up their catalog with more day 1 releases there’d be no looking back to Steam for me, ever.

No, it doesn’t. Not always.

If you’re going from the old Vita to the new one, the screen difference will likely be jarring. So, unless you’ve seen the new one in person and didn’t mind the lesser screen, stick with the old one.

There’s a moment in VEEP where Selina is torn down for being terrible and the reason for why no one will trust women candidates.

I say if they have backups in and they’re doing that, good on them. Fuck any team with starters that can’t handle the backups. They’ve either given up or they suck and deserve to be demolished while the other team keeps in tip-top shape exercising their backups.

Nah, MIT and Caltech breed that type of culture in their admissions. They’re not interested in brilliance or actual intelligence. They’re interested in keeping their pretentious spotlight.

Fallout 4 sexings was waiting for the creation kit. Now that it’s here there are some in the works, yes.

To me it’s like a beginner visual novel / point and click game.

Yet somehow it manages to be less rewarding and satisfying than the trainwreck that KOTOR 2 ended up being...

I have to say, Sony is EXTREMELY talented at completely destroying goodwill and any leads they manage. Like, it’s a magnificent artform, really.

It’s akin to being part of the BLM movement while totally ignoring black violence and also including people shot in the act of a violent crime (not that the answer lays solely there but it’s a huge fucking part of it).

Helmet on helmet should be automatic ejection from the game followed by at least a 2 game suspension. At least then the collateral damage won’t be damaged brains and lives.

Nice to ignore their 3DS experiment, huh? Where games can’t be easily viewed by others, especially if played in 3D. Where almost every game says not to play for extended periods of time.

The PS3 never proved its power and it’s a joke for comparison.

Except for that inconvenient truth that the PS3 failed to justify its costs outside of being an early, “cheap” Blu-Ray player. Graphically it never outshined the 360 like it should have, especially considering the price differential.